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Old vintage lenses


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I am looking for an old single-coated vintage portrait lens for my

8x10. I am looking for that "vintage look" that can only come from

an old beater. Does anyone know of a place that sells older style

lenses? I have searched on the internet and E-bay and i haven't

come across anything that is "right".

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Hi Dave, I think some "vintage look" was gotten by an out of focus sharp lens in some cases, plus a certain kind of pictorial subject matter, plus a certain kind of paper/process. And I think you have to do all three to get the look you want. So as a suggestion for an experiment, you might use your normal lens and just soft focus it, find a pictorial-soft focus photo you like and try to find the same subject matter, and then maybe print on warm paper with very warm developer. Chasing the perfect vintage lens didn't help me any, some of the old lenses I have are in fact very sharp. Best, David
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Dave, Wollensack made a bunch of them, and shot wide open they do have a unique softness to them. Stopped down they generally get quite sharp(Hurrel used his stopped down). Kodak Portrait lenses, and the Cooke anastigmats also come to mind. These usually show up either as barrel lenses or in studio shutters which may or may not work(my Cooke is in a Betax---I lucked out!) The effect I've noticed isn't simply 'out of focus' or muddled like what you'd get with a diffusion filter or piece of nylon stocking over the lens, but something pretty unique. Try www.igorcamera.com or www.jay-tepper.com in addition to the other sources mentioned.
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hey dave -


do searches on ebay looking for " barrel lens" or "brass lens"

you might find something that interests you.

you'll definately come up with old wollensak portrait lenses in studio shutters,

darlots, dallymayers, and petzal design lenses ( sorry i am a VERY bad

speller) as well as other vintage stuff you might be able to pick up and use ...


another suggestion is to keep an eye on andrew glover's auctions, he is

selling a ton of rapid rectilinaer lenses that cover / barely cover 8x10. one of

his lenses might just do the trick :)


if it is a single element you are looking for though, you might consider shelling

out the bucks and getting an imagon ... the other lenses are probably more

than one cell ...


good luck!



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