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Help! Development times Tri-X 200 at ASA in HC-110

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Some of my students have begun using the new version and we started with the times we had been using all along. 61/2 minutes with a 5 sec agiation every 30 secs. Have changed that time to 6 mintues with same agaition. Considerable drop in contrast. Of course this is at 68 degrees.
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I would not worry too much about this. Tri-X is very forgiving, will tolerate a lot of abuse in exposure and development, and still give quite printable negatives. Since you've overexposed by only one stop, I'd say just process it normally. Many photographers do just that and claim to get enhanced shadow detail as a result. Certainly Tri-X can tolerate a 1 stop overexposure with no difficulty. My preference would be to use ID-11 diluted 1:1.


Here are the times from "The Massive Dev Chart"


For "old" Tri-X in ID-11/D-76 1:1 @ 68 deg F/20 deg C:


EI 200 9.5


EI 400 10-11


I'll note that while a lot has been said about changed development times for "old" vs. "new" Tri-X, it is much ado about nothing. The times are very close. A recent article in "Photo Techniques" described a rather exhaustive test of the new vs. old Kodak films and found that development times for the "old" Tri-X worked just fine on the newer version of the film.

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