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Photoshop Educational Version and eBay

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I'm looking to upgrade to Photoshop from PSE2. eBay typically has

unopened educations versions available. Or so the seller claims.


Can anyone register an educational version or is the registration



I've not bought off of eBay. Any suggestions for making sure I don't

get ripped off.



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Thanks to advice from this forum, I recently bought an unregistered version of Photoshop v5 for $83, then a Photoshop 7 upgrade for $135. The result is a legitimate, full retail version registered with Adobe for $218. If PSE2 ownership qualifies for an upgrade, follow Ellis' advice and go directly to the upgrade. Those too are available on E-Bay, Amazon, as well as on-line and local retailers.
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Thanks to the info. I've searched amazon and 222.adobe.com and can't find an upgrade that applies to PSE2.


On the adobe site the only upgrade listed has this note:

To install upgrade successfully, you will need a serial number and a previous version of this product on the same platform as this purchase. Upgrade does not apply to Photoshop Elements, Photoshop Limited Edition, or Adobe PhotoDeluxe owners.


Please let me know if you come across an upgrade that applies to PSE2.



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I'm never sure if educational versions show how much of a rip off the full price software is or are a case of a private company taxing its customers to subsidise education.


Be that as it may, some companies are very strict about your proving you are an educational user before they'll send you the software. I'm not sure where Adobe stands on this but Micro$oft certainly stand on the rules.

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>>Does it matter, to the upgrade, if a previous owner has regestered the original software? <<


My wife bought Photoshop 6 for the Mac secondhand and Adobe seemed perfectly happy to upgrade her to 7. Probably worth sending an e-mail to Adobe to confirm.

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"...and Adobe seemed perfectly happy to upgrade her to 7."



Does Adobe have to be directly involved with the up grade? I thought that the upgrade looked for a previous copy of Shop on your system than proceeded to load. If I'm wrong than how does it work?



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Okay so I got a version 6 CD unregistered on ebay for $160 and an upgrade for $152 from amazon for a total of $312. I'll let you know if I have any problems with the eBay purchase. My first ebay purchase. You know, old dogs and new tricks, I'm slow sometimes on new ways ;).



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You are not legally allowed (by the Adobe terms of agreement) to sell a used version of photoshop if you have upgraded.


So you cannot legally buy Photoshop 5.0, upgrade to 7.0, then sell your old version of 5.0.


If you buy an opened and used version of 5.0, even if the user no longer has it on their system, just be aware that this is a violation of the Adobe software agreement.


Adobe regard everything as one version. When you upgrade from 5 to 7 you are not buying 7. You have to own BOTH 5 and the 7 upgrade in order to use PS or you violate their software licence.


I'm not saying it's fair, I'm just telling you what the licence says.

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