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LEICA Photographer - No Words

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take a picture in context-why a picture of a camera alone?


don't become a fondler/wanker.


how much time did you devote to those previous studio photos of the mp, m7, etc...please, show more wedding, other, not camera photos marc. you're more helpful than that.

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Dear Moderator,


I very rarely post to this forum and enjoy it thoroughly. One question though, how many times do we have to read phil's canned "wanker" comment? Although his point about about some people's Leica "jewerly" obessions is "spot" on, reading wanker day in day out is rather absurd, don't you think?


Happy trails...

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I shoot left eye as I'm left eye dominate. As are most left handed people and those of us who through the schools were convertered to being right handed. But it sure is nice being able to shoot a rifle both right and left handed. One way I'm steadier the other I see a bit clearer. I hold a pistol with my right hand taking aim with my left eye.

But sadly I'll never use the thumb rest on my Canon T90 that's where my nose is!

No problem with my LTM's though.

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I sight with my left eye because about 15 plus years ago I wacked my right eye with a branch while trying to photograph a mushroom, so my left eye is a bit sharper...the hazards of creativity and I didn't even get the photo.


However, the camera in the statue appears to have the viewfinder on the right side of the camera, unlike a leica...so everything is naturally a bit bassackwards!

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Phil, while I admit liking the looks (gawk, gawk), and feel (fondle,

fondle) of a M, I do use them on occassion (click, click).


What I'm not clear on is whether you do or not. Or are you only a

"word wanker" stalking these threads (pant, pant) in place of

actually shooting photographs (wank, wank)?


P.S. I shot (click) Marke's M because I had never seen a chrome

M with Toms' Rapidwinder attached (gawk, gawk). But Marke and

I shot lots of pictures on that recent outting (click,click, click, click,

click, click, click, click, click, click, etc. etc,). You should try it once.

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