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New M6 owner, did I make a mistake ?

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Hi all,


Just bought my first Leica, an M6 classic, after suffering the lust

for a while. I had checked the serial numbers before buying this one,

but somehow made a mistake, I had thought the body was from 1996, but

on rechecking after I'd bought it, it turns out to be from 1986 so a

lot older than I'd thought. But it is a Wetzlar version with the

Leitz dot, in almost unmarked condition. I've read that some people

prefer these older ones to the later versions, if so does it make up

for the lost 10 years ? I intend to use it rather than collect it,

but these things cost so much it's comforting to know that the value

is always there, for a rainy day.

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I have an '86 M6 that i bought at the Leica Schule that year. I still use it more

than I use the other 4 that I own. the onle weird thing about it is that the ev

range of the meter is not as great as later versions. If you get in very bright

light with high asa film or low light with low asa film, the diodes will go away.

Use it and enjoy; unless you got hosed on the price. pr

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>>I've read that some people prefer these older ones to the later versions...


This is myth, and whether you have problems depends on the condition of the individual camera whether or not it's a Solms or Wetzlar model. I have one of each and, in my case, only the Wetzlar model gave me problems in that the viewfinder went out of alignment twice. Leica USA fixed it for free both times depsite the fact that the first time was a little past the (international) guarantee time limit.

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Let's put it this way. I bought a new M6 TTL and find it has a few advantages over the classic (especially the speed knob size, position forward and direction of turn, and the LCD enhancement). The shoe TTL-ness doesn't interest me because I don't flash. Since my TTL is my first M, I'd never prefer the classic instead. If you already had 1-2-3-4 Ms previous to the classic, you might prefer a classic to a TTL in order to not have two different directions to turn (clockwise here, counter-clockwise there). OTOH there are several of us who have many Ms -- again, clockwise here, counter-clockwise there -- and that doesn't seem to peeve them at all. If I ever had to replace my TTL, and/or advise somebody to buy an M after 5 and before 7, I'd in any case get/recommend a late TTL.
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Your only mistake is to have caught the Leica virus, a very expensive illness without known cure. Your anxiety is the first symptom.


More seriously, you're fine and you've acquired a nice camera which will outlive you. Have fun and pleasure using it.

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10 years on a Leica is nothing, unless the camera has been going through heavy abuse during those years. I think that the appearance is more important then the age for the value of the camera. From the description you gave I would doubt that you have much to worry about so just enjoy the camera. Besides it a done deal already right?

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Quick, your only cure is to go and buy a couple of Leica lenses for the M6, this and couple of hundred rolls of your favorite film. You will need to shoot all this film in 2 years or less and post at least once a week to this forum no excuses, if you miss one week you will need to start all over again. In 2 years I promise you will be cured.



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Your M6 is close to 20 years old. Even, non-used Leicas stored for that amount of time requires a CLA to put back into service. As far as the Wetzlar and Solms version, they are identical and should not demand any price variances with equal conditions.

I have an equally "like new" M6 version just prior to the TTL one and we can do a swap if you like. Reason, I have 10 M6s and they are all Solms, and would be nice to have a Wetzlar in my collection.

Regardless, have your M6 CLAed and it will be good for another few years, if you decided to use it. Email me if interested.


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uh, I'd take Henry up on his offer. The reason: I have a 'Wetzlar' M6 and it

doesn't measure low light as low as my new M6ttl. I believe the newer M6 and

M6ttl have the basic same meter. The early M6 meter just doesn't go as low.

OTH, if you do not ever get into low, edgy light there's NO difference in

accuracy. In edgy low light the new meter will go a good stop lower. It makes a

big difference in that kind of lighting.

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Nick---Don't get me wrong. You did NOT make a mistake. No M Leica is a

mistake. You have a wonderful camera. I have the same camera and I

wouldn't trade it for anything. I have a couple of photojournalist friends who

are hard-core M6 users. They wouldn't even think of a M6ttl or an M7. The

classic M6 is a great camera and it sounds like you have winner.

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nick -- yes, make a trade with henry. he is well-respected here. many small refinements have been added to the m6 over the years. if you have an early wetzlar, it will have an especially annoying meter quirk; namely, it shuts itself off when you go outside the meter range. later 6s flash. this is much more sensible and lets you know the meter is working. also, the early meters have poor low light sensitivity AND poor linearity. the later meters were a big improvement all-around. as for collector value, people who want a "complete set" will have a wetzlar, but that demand is so small that it doesn't offset the newer-is-better approach of the user market. in short, there is no financial premium for the early cameras. make the trade.
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Nick, it all depends on what you paid for it...


For a new Leica user, a mint M6TTL, often still under passport warranty, for around $1,100-1,250 seems to be the best value/bang for the buck out there to me. Why pay $100 less for a 20 years old camera?


I'm afraid to admit that I've owned 3 different M6TTL bodies before I finally settled on a Konica Hexar RF, but they were all bought used and I never lost any significant money on any of the deals, in fact overall I went plus.


Regardless, I'm sure your new camera will be a great joy. Spring is here, go out and use it!

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<<For a new Leica user, a mint M6TTL, often still under passport warranty, for around $1,100-1,250>>


Please let us know where we can buy one of these! Passports being non-transferable it'd have to be an unsold floor sample or a code-U official Leica demo and those are selling for $1500-1600 with 1 yr warranty.


<<Original question

Subject: New M6 owner, did I make a mistake ?

Hi all, Just bought my first Leica, an M6 classic>>


Definitely a mistake. You should have gotten off your wallet and spent $2600 on a brand new MP. That obsolete old M6 you bought has a stupid crank to rewind the film, a stupid pivoting plastic-tipped wind lever, stupid protectors that keep your strap from wearing beautiful score-marks in the finish, and a useless finder that flares so much that no one has been able to take a decent photograph with a Leica since the M4. Shame, shame, shame on you.

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when i take my 2 m6s to Leica days, the tech always says about my early one -- "that is a good camera" -- smooth, accurate, etc. He doesn't say anything about the later one, even though the operation is entirely up to specs.


Operationally, the meter is about the only difference -- and the lower sensitivity was not a problem for me -- but I have had the meter replaced for failure (you can tell if yours has been replaced/updated -- I think it is the blinking when the lens cap is on (new), or something like that). There is also a minor issue of the bottom mount linkage (on this I am not certain), with the older doing a better job with older (pre m6) winders and so forth.


I like the older one. Except, I do like the 0.85 of the newer one. But, they are very close.

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