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Ilford Delta 3200 developer?


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I just shot 2 rolls of Delta 3200 for the first time ever. (Rated it

at 1600ISO). I am curious on what Developer I should use? And if I

should develop at 3200ISO? I keep hearing this film is best shot at

1600 and developed at 3200 (yes I know you have to experiment.. but

the majority seemed to say that)


I guess I am just looking for input from others who shoot this film.


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The true ISO speed rating of Delta 3200 (and also Kodak P3200) is 1000. ISO 1600 a half stop push, and you should get good results with the right developer.


You will get many recommendations about which developer to use. I would probably try XTOL 1:1 or 1:2, which tends to yield excellent emulsion speed and reasonably fine grain without being too mushy.


Regarding the question of how long to develop for: published times a just a starting point and you should adjust according to results you get. I would start with the time recommended for ISO 1600, but you might get better results with less time if you have a condenser enlarger (vs. diffusion).


If the scene contrast is very low, you might do better with a little more development time than would be optimal if the contrast was normal to high (sunlight). That is another reason why there is no single development time that fits all photographers and all situations.

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I would try Ilford's DD-X. I have developed Delta 3200 at 1600 and 3200 with it and have been very satisfied with the results. I found the development times that Ilford suggests a little short and extended them by 10-15%.





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