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Will gallery search return all photos uploaded for a given period?

rudy - ny, ny

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I apologize if this has been covered in the past. I did some extensive

searching of past threads but didn't come across my answer.


I also clicked this way and that way trying to have the gallery search

return a 100% list of uploaded photos.


I would like to be able to browse a thumbnail list of all uploaded

photos for a given period. Today I did a gallery search for "Period:

Last 24 hours" along side each of the "Rank By:" variables. Here's

what I got:


Average Rating: 1192

Sum of ratings: 1209

Originality: 1210

Aesthetics: 1210

Number of ratings: 1196


You get the idea... around 1200 images. I wasn't able to jump the

pages nor did I have the time (i.e. patience) to click through some 50

pages to see if non-rated photos were included at the end. I'm

assuming that you probably filter these out. If so, then this is not a

complete list, correct?


Using "Period: Last 3 days" returned about 3500 photos. Can I assume

that this list consists only of photos that were uploaded during the

last three days AND, of those, only the ones that were rated?


All the other "Period" returns seem to cap out at 300. I understand

this as the loads would easily choke a horse.


So... is there anyway to input a date as the search parameter and have

everything returned? I simply am curious as to what is all out there.


Secondly, is there any write-up explaining the ins and outs of the

different searches?


Finally, and this is an aside (though related): how are "Views"

tabulated? I suspect that it's not just through link clicks but also

rotations through the various queues???


I hope that I haven't been too confusing.



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"Last 24 Hours" and "Last 3 Days" include photos with 0 ratings, and therefore show all the photos submitted within the period. You can go backwards through the lists: hitting the "Prev" button from the first page takes you to the last page, where you will see pages with no ratings. There are many photos with no ratings. The number of photos submitted per day ranges between 1100 and 1400, and you can see them all if you lean on the "Next" button or "Prev" buttons.


The longer views are limited to specific numbers of images, usually 300. For the ratings-based views longer than 3 days, a minimum number of ratings is also required -- the longer the view, the more ratings needed. The "Last Week" view requires 5 ratings, for example, and "Last Month" requires 10.


Some of the views show more than 300 images. Generally the longer views have higher limits. Also, the "photographer" views are designed to rank photographers rather than photos. The photographers are ranked by various measures (highest rated photo, average of all photo scores, etc), and then are represented in the list by their highest-rated photo. For the "photographer" views, the number of photos on which the rank is based increases with length of time.


There is no write-up, but this is a common request. I'm not sure I really want to document the various views in detail, because then it is harder to change, and some people might start trying to game the system even more than they do now.


Views are tabulated from the web logs based on hits on the "photodb/image-display" URL. Generally, every time you see a Gallery photo, whether in small, medium, or large sizes, that is one "view". Yesterday there were 3.4 million views in total, which was a typical day. People sometimes think that "views" counts the number of times the "Photo" page (with the comments) has been hit, which is incorrect. Because thumbnails are included in the views count, the ratio of "image-displays" (i.e. views) to "photos" is about 10 to 1. The views are tabulated from the web logs once per day, in the early morning Eastern time.

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Thanks so much Brian. I greatly appreciate your response on this!


That's great about the "prev" button. I hadn't even thought of it being able to flip over like that.


And you're right about people "gaming the system." Google keeps its algorithms secret just for the exact reason. Fine by me if you do also for photo.net.


Thanks again for the explanation Brian!



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You might also want to know that the three-day period is

accurate right up to the 72 hour after your photo is up loaded.

The way the system works here is that the higher the number of

ratings you get put into the top-rated photos for each respective

period. Be warned that as the PERIOD Starts from the moment

you up load the photograph. If you decide to have a critique in say

two weeks after you up loaded then it won't get into any of the first

few periods sectors . This is because it will be in the "last

month" section and here even if you have ten or 15 ratings you

will still be far behind those who have been in being critiqued for

over a month and have been top-rated in the shorter periods.

unfortunately your photo's visibility is governed by how many

ratings you get and how close this is to the top in each period.


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