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Pentax 67 Takumar 200mm lens


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I am looking at buying a used Pentax 67 Takumar 200mm lens. Though I

would like to have the latest in each lens, the price for this lens at

supposedly just below like new, is too good to pass up. But I would

like to know if anyone knows the basic differences between this Takumar

lens and the newer SMC lens. It is weight, size, lens construction?

Should I expect less performance, more ghosting or refracting, less

sharpness or saturation? I would appreciate anyones help who has

experience with one of both of these lenes. Thanks, dave.

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The 200 Takumar is a four element Ernostar-Sonnar design which is semi-symmetrical while the Pentax is a five element Ernostar type that is very asymmetrical. The Super Takumars appear to be a two layer anti reflection coating, the SMC Takumars are a seven layer coating and the Pentax SMCs are also a seven layer coating.The difference between a two layer and seven layer are not all that noticable. Since I only own the Pentax 200, I can only speculate about the differences theoretically. There have been reports by some users of the Pentax that wide open close ups leave a lot to be desired. If you do portraits at f/4 or f/5.6 you might be better off with the more symmetrical Takumar. The Pentax does close focus close enough to do head shots while the Takumar will not. The Pentax does fine in close up situations when stopped down a bit(f/8, f/11 etc.). I own many Takumars and can say that they are not inferior lenses and in some cases outshine the Pentax. An example is the 150mm Super Takumar. It is sharp from f/2.8 to f/22. SR
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I owned the original 200 Takumar for a while, and was disappointed with its close-focussing ability (not sufficiently close for a tight head shot). Working with an extension tube was a pain. Personally, I would opt for the newer Pentax if I were doing it again.


- Ian Marks

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David, I have the 200mm Super-Takumar F4 which is over 20 years old. It is my favorite lens for my Pentax 6X7. Steve, in an earlier response to your question, said he stands by his Takumar 150 F 2.8. I find my 200 to be sharper than my Takumar 150. I think that is an example of how lens samples can vary. I suggest that you test the lens and if it is good, hold onto it. Yours, Frank
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