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Gossen Digisix anyone?

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Yes, if you'll be using it on the move, as part of a compact kit (rather than studio work). In my experience, the readings are trustworthy, its small size/light weight is a convenience (tucks into your shirt pocket easily) and it won't need to be babied like a meter with a needle movement. Battery life doesn't seem to be an issue, even though there's no OFF switch. I wish the dials and finish were higher quality, and could easily do without the goofy thermometer feature.
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I looked at one of the Gossen Digisix meters at Samy's in Los Angeles. I own a Sekonic 608-C meter, and the thing is just too huge for street shooting and metering on-the-go.


I was impressed with the meter. It gave the same readings as a Sekonic L-358 I used to compare it with. I was really impressed, and I'm going to purchase one shortly. The fact that it's the size of a stopwatch, plus some of the ancillary features is pretty much what sold me.


The salesman at Samys told me that he's sold several, and hasn't seen any of them brought back.


Good luck.


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i just purchased one of these meters a month ago...love it! small, and light. i could care less that the thing feels like rinky dinky plastic in the hands. it's accurate and that's all that matters. i have a "pro" meter, but that is just too big to lug around on the streets.


this meter is cheap, small and accurate...why look at cosmetic downsides??? who cares if it has a temperature gauge or a stopwatch or if it feels like cheap plastic? i sometimes forget i'm even carrying the meter in my pocket it's sooooo light.


if you're into street shooting or long hauls with a camera that has no metering system, i think you'll love this meter. if you're looking for a studio meter...get a studio meter.


try one out. i fell in love



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Actually, many potential buyers might care about the cosmetic downsides of a piece of equipment, particularly when those issues affect the function of the equipment. Though I like this meter a great deal, I can understand that the size of the window in which the EV is set (in order to get your aperture/shutter speed combinations) might be too small for others considering the purchase. And the thermometer function is just another selection I must page past in order to get to the features I want to use, so that's exactly the sort of useful information a photographer might be interested in--and why they aked the question here in the first place. Let's offer all the benefits of our experience that we can.
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>>Any alternatives meters? <<


Gossen Sixtino :-)


Not actually as daft as it sounds. I got one before I found a nice cheap MC to fit my M3. The Sixtino cost me £26 on eBay and it's a very usable little meter. Generally comes in a tough 'ever ready case' and has a built in incident light baffle.


Downside is it doesn't have a lock, so you've got to set the index pointer while metering, which may be a pain for some people. I believe it's known as the 'Pilot' in the U.S.


And it's Selenium so no batteries to buy!

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I can't recommend it too highly. It is literally my constant companion in that it lives in a fanny pack I always wear (Several Minoxes and film take up the rest of the space). The only downside of the meter is that it is too easy to accidently switch modes. I'll reach in to my bag and pull it out only to have to click through the modes until I'm back in metering mode.
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Tiny, lightweight, simple, cheap, and accurate. I find the thermometer and alarm clock useful as well. And a note regarding battery usage: when the "BAT" warning comes on, everything keeps working just fine for at least two months - that's how long I've been using mine with the warning displayed.
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The Sekonic L-208 Twinmate is a match needle (versus digital) meter which is an Digisix alternative. It's similar to the Digisix in that:


- it's very small and light


- it takes reflected and inicident readings (although you've got to wonder about the teeny lumispheres on both)


- can be mounted on the accessory shoe (it's actually included with the meter unlike the Digisix shoe mount)


- it's cheap (about the same price as the Digisix - ca. $100)




- match needle not digital


- does not read to as low an EV as the Digisix (3 for the L-208, 0 for the Digisix)


- accessory shoe mount included


- Digisix has a max shutter speed reading of 1/2000, L-208's is 1/8000


- Digisix has a min shutter speed reading of 4 minutes, L-208's is 30 seconds


- Digisix has thermometer, watch and timer (nothing of the like on the L-208)


Here's the L-208 at Adorama:




Here's the Digisix:







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