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Olympus E-P2 and viewfinder VF-3


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The suggestion is to update firmware 1.1 to 1.2

When updating via OM workspace only 1.3 is offered

which is supposed to be for VF-4.

Question is if accepting update to 1.3 will viewfinder VF-3 work.

Hoping some Olympus users might know





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Not sure about Olympus specifically, but camera firmware is typically backwards compatible with prior hardware up to at least one or two iterations.

When I Googled your question, the first hit I got was an Olympus technician Q&A site - "JustAnswer".  You might consider trying that.

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Not sure if the firmware updates for my E-PL2 is comparable with your E-P2, but I updated the firmware on my camera to version 1.3 in order to accommodate the newly acquired VF-3.   I would also agree that with every digital camera I have used, firmware is backwardly compatible with older hardware.

Edited by Ken Katz
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