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W/NW 2023 Pic-O'-The-Week #8


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Cleaning up an old Kodachrome slide. Leica M4, 35/2.8 Summaron. Local processing must have used sewage water there were so many spots and scratches. Sedona Arizona from the heliport.


Edited by SCL
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3 hours ago, SCL said:

Cleaning up an old Kodachrome slide. Leica M4, 35/2.8 Summaron. Local processing must have used sewage water there were so many spots and scratches. Sedona Arizona from the heliport. ... 

I've experienced the same thing (my favorite film was - any variant - of Kodachrome), but I'm scanning mine myself.  My scanning software can clean some of it up, but I've found I still have to do some (sometimes allot) of touch-up in post.  The necessity for clean-up is even more dramatic when converted to B&W, which brings out every spot and blemish.

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When you come to a fork in the road, take it ...

– Yogi Berra


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6 hours ago, Allen Herbert said:


Allen, it is good that you are on-site.  I loved the statue, but could not identify it. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.  I have been unwell, so not able to get out and photograph.  So relying on archived material. Must do something about that. Been for a brain scan (MRI - never do this to yourself.  It's frightening); various ultrasound scans; and so many blood tests that I fell like a voodoo doll. More to come. And because I am one of those hapless Australians that rely on our public health system, likely to be about 12-18 months before I can get to see a neurologist. So it goes.  So a photo, which I've probably posted before  Regards, Arthur, keep safe. (apiarist1)



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I am one of those hapless Australians that rely on our public health system. Arthur.

Understand the need to make profit that is how the world goes around.

But profit from from someone's ill health, and suffering, seems to me a great lack of humanity.

The worship of the coin above all else...humanity for our fellows, on this earth,  be dammed..



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26 minutes ago, Allen Herbert said:

Understand the need to make profit that is how the world goes around. 

But profit from from someone's ill health, and suffering, seems to me a great lack of humanity. ...

Public health systems (aka "Socialized Medicine") has nothing whatsoever to do with turning profits. In fact it's about lumping the entire populous into one massive bureaucracy with no competition or free enterprise of any kind. Cheap healthcare run by the government is just that - CHEAP!  And everyone pays for it - in more ways than one.

When you come to a fork in the road, take it ...

– Yogi Berra


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"has nothing whatsoever to do with turning profits" Bill

Yet, they make huge endless profits from folks suffering. Profits from 2019 , are staggering, 808 billion in 2021.and yes they are full of massive bureaucracy. Its all about facts and figures.

Anway, we are about photos .Little else.




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