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B+W Film Fog with Home Development

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I recently aquired a Nikkorex F rom a family member. I have run 3

rolls of Tri-X Pan Pro through it and developed all three.

Unfortunately, all three rolls apear to have a black/grey foggy band

through them. I have done over 100 rolls of Ilford and TMAX in this

tank without any problems. The camera is from the 60's. Could it

be a problem with the camera, or is Tri-x tricky to work with? I

did have trouble loading on to the reel where with other films, I

can get them on without effort. Thanks in advance for help



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It certainly sounds like a light leak. From your description I don't know if it sounds like the camera back or the shutter. It you follow the advice of running a color roll through the camera, shoot a few frames with the lens cap on and see if those frames are fogged the same way. If they are, the problem is not with the shutter. Also, do not shoot the film to quickly. You need to have the frames in the film gate for the normal amount of time in order to see where the leak is. If you take the camera for repair, take some of your processed film with you. This will help them locate the leak.
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Tri-X is not any more difficult to work with than any other general purose film. In fact, some will say that it's easier owing to the fact that it is very forgiving. There's almost nothing you can do withing reason that will ruin Tri-X.


Check the light seals. If they have decayed, and I'm willing ot bet that they have, you can repair it yourself for a few dollars. Micro Tools sells light baffle material at a very reasonable price. If you are handy with a sharp knife (single edge razor blades will do) and a straight edge, you are in business. See the link below:



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