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Repair Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar bent control board


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Hi everyone,

I got a Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar at a very low price with perfect optics, nevertheless, after having it inspected by a repairman, it seems that the control board is deformed and prevents me from choosing the aperture and exposure time (the controls are very stiff)

The estimate being too expensive for my means (and the fact that he couldn't assure me the camera would be working afterwards) , would someone have knowledge in the field or could redirect me to a resource that could help me?

Thanks in advance

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4 hours ago, fafasinho said:

Hi everyone,

I got a Rolleiflex 3.5F Planar at a very low price with perfect optics, nevertheless, after having it inspected by a repairman, it seems that the control board is deformed and prevents me from choosing the aperture and exposure time (the controls are very stiff)

The estimate being too expensive for my means (and the fact that he couldn't assure me the camera would be working afterwards) , would someone have knowledge in the field or could redirect me to a resource that could help me?

Thanks in advance

Welcome to photo.net.

As I have already responded on photrio: 


"In this case, a qualified repair would be to throw good money after bad, IMO. 
I would sell the camera for parts and look for a healthy sample worthy of an overhaul.
Stay away from structural damaged cameras- they are money pits."

I think it is generally better use of peoples resources to ask in one forum and give people time to respond before posting the exact same question in another forum. Just my opinion.


Edited by NHSN
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Thanks for your response


I would generally agree with you, but in this case, I honnestly thought I would almost get no response so I figured I should increase my chances to get one.


Considering what you said, I think I will seehow much I could get out of it in this state

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