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Hasselblad 2000FCW parts unavailable?


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My 2000FCW film advance/shutter setting mechanism locked up, so I

took it to PPR here in Atlanta and they sent it to Peachtree Camera

repair. That was Dec 8th. Today I talked with PTC and they said the

bottom plate that has gearing assemblies in it had a lever that was

malfunctioning (or broken or ...). Hasselblad has not been able to

even say if this part is available by itself or as a part of the

larger assembly. They say it's so old that they <i>may</i> not have

the part required, and I haven't found out from PTC exactly what the

part is, since they're waiting for clarification from Hasselblad.


Any suggestions as to what course of action might be fruitful? I'm

using a lot of polaroid with the 500CM, just to see what's at the top

of my closeup images. I miss my big mirror camera... Thanks... t

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With a 2000 series Hasselblad I wouldn't dink around with independant repair places. Send it direct to Hasselblad. You may pay more but I have found that most places can't/won't work on these. If Hasselblad USA doesn't have the parts I would then send it to Hasselblad in Sweden. I hate to hear of your problem as I have 3 2000 bodies!
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