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No Words:


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No Words: Don't know where it came from, don't really care. Do know

it works; well. A suggestion; award it topical forum status with it's

own "color" and a FAQ sheet. That will keep all the No Words:

postings togeather. You may also want to put a link from each No

Words: posting to a (shutter) No Words: "Words" area so those that

may, can beak. No Words: best new thing on photo.net this year!

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Anyone that wants can create a No Words: category. Say you decide "No Words: Trees". Anyone can then post a photo that they think belongs in that category. They post it using a minimal description. People viewing it do not rate it nor do they leave a public comment...the photograph speaks for itself. Go here to see No Words: <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=004d0E&unified_p=1">Childrens Portrait</a>.
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"No words" posts are NOT generally acceptable in the photo.net forums. Some forums (mainly the Leica forum I think) accept them, but they aren't appropriate for the general forums, nor do I allow them in the Nature forum or EOS forum (which I administer). I don't think the administrators of the medium format forum or the digital darkroom forum take them either.
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<b>I believe</b> (Elves...where are you?) That �No Words:� is open to anyone, You can enter your work in whichever forum you found it in (as long as the entry is topical)...(If I�m wrong the Leica-philes are going to bindi-ize a �red dot� to my forehead as the nikon-ites strangle me with one of their yellow straps). So if you have the brains to shoot Tri-X in a Holga you will not have to find a Holga or a Tri-X forum to post a �No Words:�.<p>

What makes �No Words:� so great is...No Words. So I believe there should not be any comments, complaints or questions made to the posting. What one could do is add a link to a second posting in say the general forums. Anyone wanting to make a comment could make it in that second area. My reasoning is maybe I see a shot and want to say Thank You or (F***!), (<b>Elves</b>...do I get away with that?). I can put the comment in an area that those that wise to can go to. This will keep "No Words:" pure for those that want to keep it that way.<p>Once again, who ever came up with the idea of "No Words:" gets a big gold star from me...tkx...jim

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While I enjoy the spontaneity of the No Words concept (which, I believe, was initiated by Todd Fredrick of the Leica Forum), I can understand the objections to it.


For one thing, it clutters up bandwidth. And it duplicates, to some extent, the function of the galleries.


While we photographers can edit our uploads to our personal folders, once an image has been committed to a discussion forum it's out of our hands. Only the moderators or administrators can delete a post or thread. I suspect that requires more time and effort than most moderators have available. So the No Words images accumulate and persist long after the threads have scrolled off and been forgotten.


It's an interesting novelty but I'm not sure each No Words thread needs to be archived forever and a day.

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If you think about it, the digital forum is currently the best place for this kind of thing, because it is not subject- or equipment-specific. As the moderator, I welcome such threads, but I will expire them after a few days. That should be enough for everyone to get a (no) word in.
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Personally I'd rather see them confined to one forum. Since the Leica forum seems to like them, I suppose that's as good a place as any. Since there are no words, you can't tell if they were shot with a Leica or not....though maybe Leicaphiles think they can?


The Leica forum seems to have started them and accepts them, but for the other forums they are off topic and thus do not belong. It much better they are in one place where they are understood, than scattered around the site causing general confusion!


Whether they deserve their own forum is a matter we might consider. Again Brian is the one knows about what he's doing with the gallery section and whether there's anything being built there that might serve the same function.

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"No Words" is pretty popular, and I've personally enjoyed some of the threads. They're different from anything that we have in the Gallery, in that they represent a conversation carried out entirely through photographs, at least they are if photographers follow the "rules" -- a kind of collaborative photographic essay. This is a very intriguing idea, and it seems a great medium for photographers.


Right now they seem to be restricted to certain forums where there is an interest on the part of the forum participants, and the moderators. Leica Forum is a hotbed of "No Words", maybe because Todd Frederick, who invented the idea, is denizen of the Leica Forum. (He recently became a "hero" based only on his volume of posting over the years, but I think he probably deserved it anyway just for coming up with such a cool idea.) Some of the other forums where you find them are People and Nikon.


I've thought about creating a "No Words" forum even before Jim started this thread, perhaps in connection with the Gallery. But I'm wondering how much of the appeal of the idea is because people are carrying out photographic conversations with people they already know from an existing forum, which perhaps keeps the quality up. I wonder if a dedicated "No Words" forum might get flooded with pretty bad photographs, and the threads would become rather dire.

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I think they would generate enough interest. They are the most photographically relevant topics on the site. Too bad they are confined to the Leica forum.


I think Nature forum would be a very good place for a "No Words" thread. How do you see............? Fill in the blank and post a photo. This would give more insight to how others "see" more than anything else on the entire site.

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Well I think the nature forum would be a very BAD place for No Words threads, and since I moderate that forum....well, I don't suppose we'll see them there!


However there is a nature image critique forum which I created and which is still on greenspun.com (not on photo.net). It's not so much used now that the photo.net gallery section is up and running, but I'd have no objection to someone trying "no words" threads there, as long as the images are nature related. You'll confuse a lot of people though. If you actually want responses from people familiar with the process sticking to the Leica forum makes most sense.


The URL for nature image critique is <a href="http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a.tcl?topic=Nature%20Photography%20Image%20Critique">http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a.tcl?topic=Nature%20Photography%20Image%20Critique</a>

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"Well I think the nature forum would be a very BAD place for No Words threads, and since I moderate that forum....well, I don't suppose we'll see them there!"


Just the type of response I would expect. Very closed minded. How usefull is the feedback forum when ideas are immediately shot down by forum maintainers? Not much.

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Quit your complaining and note that there are already three forums listed above where "No Words" are permitted - Leica, Nikon, and People. How many more do you want? And note that you posted in the feedback forum and got very rapid feedback - not the feedback you wanted, but feedback nonetheless.


I get the feeling from many of your posts that you are looking for an argument, not for feedback or assistance. No doubt you will succeed in your endeavors.

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Sorry Jonathan, but it's my forum and I make the policy there. Someone has to and it's me. I do the work (with help from Shun Cheung of course), so I get to set policy. I did make a forum especially for users who wanted to get image critiques and I have offered to allow "no words" nature threads there. If that's not good enough for you, well, I'm sorry but that's the way it is. I listen to all suggestions, agree with some, disagree with others. On the whole, the system works pretty well.
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Bob, etal...I've been very busy today here in Vancouver. It's another one of those damn days where you've got to smear on the sun screen before going out...don't want to burn those shoulders. So I haven't had time to look as closely at this thread as I should. So as soon as I get the pool cleaned & before the BBQ on the back 40 starts I will study all the responses a little closer. In the mean time I must agree with you Nature is not the place for No Words:. My reason? I only accidently discovered No Words: It was in the Leica section and as I said it was accidently because as much as I love the dear leica-ites, as dear to my heart as they all are (with their funny little quirks...how do I spell boo-kay) I normally would not have found dead (note to Jim, strike out dead) in that forum. And as far as those damn pardon me, wonderful Nikonades are, me think that some of us supreme beings the Canonites would not be found there either...No, I believe No Words: must be awarded hallowed ground...some neutral space where everyone can love everyone else equally...gotta run, where did I put my sunglasses?
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