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Can't Copy Images From Forum Posts Anymore?

John Seaman

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I've been in the habit of finding my old forum threads using Google searches, and right clicking on an image to "Copy Image" and paste it into Photoshop for whatever reason - sometimes to put them into No Words threads, sometimes for my own use. All of a sudden this won't work anymore, when I try to copy an image, nothing appears on the clipboard.


I can still use the snipping tool to achieve this, but does anyone know what might have changed? I use Firefox on Windows 7 or Windows 10.


Please note, I only use it to retrieve my own pictures!

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When the PN2.? design changes were instituted, I believe for at least some of us the default became that photos could not be copied. I believe there’s a preference in one of the various places where preferences can be set where you can make your photos available for copying. I don’t know if this applies equally to gallery and forum photos and can’t guarantee that changing the preference will actually work, since so much now doesn’t, but if it’s important to you, check your account preferences or other various PN preference settings and see if you can make a change that will help.

"You talkin' to me?"

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Thanks for this Sam. I can't see anything in my preferences relating to the issue. It only started during the last few days and I certainly haven't changed anything.


It's not a huge issue but it would be nice to know. I'm conscious that given the present uncertainties, I'm unlikely to get a definitive answer.

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All of a sudden it's working again ...


Yes. And yes to sam's dream. And yes, this is not a definitive answer.


I believe that there is nothing in user preferences. I think it was a bug.


I've noted, over the past few days, that there have been oddment happenings when I have tried to access and insert my images. I thought it was because of the very slow and intermittent connection that I have, as I am travelling in the outback: but I think now that there have been a few (extra) bugs in the PN site.



Edited by William Michael
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