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x-t2 and x-t3, character differences

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Hi all,

I'm thinking of upgrading from my old x-pro1 setup but I'm having a hard time deciding between the T2 and T3. I know the technical differences between the two, as well as the decent price difference. A T2 body can currently be had used mint for about $600, the T3 closer to the $1-1.1K range.


Technical features aside (AF and video capabilities and the other topics frequently discussed and repeated online), I see that images from the T3 (and Xpro3) have a significantly different 'character' than those from older generation sensors. They appear sharper, and colors (even images edited from RAW files) seem to me to have a more 'filmic' quality. Slightly less saturated, and deeper somehow. Better gradation and what seems to be a much wider array of color.


Generally I prefer this quality, tho I'm having a hard time even putting my finger on exactly what it is that I'm noticing. It's not the 2MP difference--at least I doubt it--so it must be something to do with the way the two cameras and/or sensors process the information.


I'm at the point where I'm planning to wait until I have the extra $500 or so to get the T3, but with so little information addressing this exact subject (not features but this 'character'), I thought I'd ask if anyone out there has noticed the same thing, or it's simply the power of suggestion or my brain leaning me toward the newer, shinier product.




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I have an X-E1. I purchased an X-T2 but returned it because it wasn't consistently writing to the memory cards, but, I was having huge problems setting up the menus. They made some "slight" changes from the X-E1 having to do with the camera not returning to the last viewed menu item that was driving me nuts. I would have gotten it eventually but I'm glad I had a legitimate excuse to return the camera to B&H. Ken Rockwell and DPR Fujifilm Forums both discuss this flaw. If we all missed something, I would like to know what it is. Still like Fuji but can't deal with the latest menu system.
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Hmm! My XT-2 has the latest firmware update and I'm not experiencing that menu issue. It does return to the last spot. To the OPs concerns and I've had the same, the XT-3 uses a different sensor, that presents more dynamic range that the XT-2. I have looked deeply into the differences in appearances of images between the two camera's and the differences slightly show up within certain subject matter and light qualities. Personally I'm going to wait for the XT-4 as I'm not seeing enough difference to make the difference. Operationally, with the latest firmware update on the XT-2, amazing advantages.
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I'd be reluctant to pinpoint image differences solely to X-Trans sensor/processor combos. Just too many variables aside from hardware that affect files. So many serious Fuji shooters offer up recipes for JPG film sims that the brand is know for. I've tried many and believe different looks are subjectively possible--YMMV, as always. The mistake many make is to let "upgrade-itis" determine outlays on bodies only. Fujinon lenses are, for me, what makes the Fuji X system work and that's where I'll shovel the $$$ available to me.I'm stalking a 24mp Fuji camera but know the company regularly puts the identical sensor/processor duo in cameras with different price points. Doubt anyone will see meaningful shot-to-shot differences between a sale-priced X-E3 and an X-Pro 2. The company's regular firmware updates often iron-out early/late models' differences in things like AF speed to name one. Personally, I buy trailing-edge Fuji bodies after model changes create downdrafts on prices. Not owning the latest doesn't cost me any sleep--or produce images that technically embarrass me.
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Take a look at Ritchie Roesch's site:



I think much of the perceived difference is in the film simulations and the post processing. There have been advances in post processing software over the last few years, particularly better handling for x-trans. And Fuji have made continual progress with their film simulations.


I'm certainly getting a more 'filmic' look since updating to darktable 2.6, mostly due to the new 'filmic' module in that release...


I considered the X-T3, but ended up getting the X-T2, there were no 'must have' features on the newer camera that, for me, justified the price difference.

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