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Beseler #8198 Dual Dichro DGA32 electrical question

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I want to modify it for another purpose. I'm not going into a lengthy explanation if there isn't anyone who knows a lot about the innards.

You're going to modify it, and yet you don't have the means to test whether the output is AC or DC?

Good luck!


The output will be AC. There's no need to rectify the supply for a simple filament bulb.

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I know it's 24v. That's obvious. I need to know what each of the six colorhead contacts are for so I can match it up with my other head which is also 24v.


I have used the 23CII dual dichro head before. I never have the schematic diagram of either the head or the power supply. I didn't have the need to open up the power supply to see what's inside. I know the power supply do not only supply power to lamp which is 24V (AC or DC isn't relevant as it's just an incandescent bulb) but it also supply power to the fan and the indicator lights. So really if I were to use the power supply for another enlarger I wouldn't expect to use any of the power except the lamp power. Taking the unit apart would tell you what it does. It's not that complicated I don't think.

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Thanks. One option for me is to take it apart and visually try to determine what does what. A simpler option -- the one I will try first -- is to check with a meter each of the six contacts to see where there is 24v power. I thought I could possibly avoid that by asking here is case someone might know.


The other enlarger head only needs power. It uses a FCS 24v 150w bulb with no fan.

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Thanks. One option for me is to take it apart and visually try to determine what does what. A simpler option -- the one I will try first -- is to check with a meter each of the six contacts to see where there is 24v power. I thought I could possibly avoid that by asking here is case someone might know.


The other enlarger head only needs power. It uses a FCS 24v 150w bulb with no fan.


Making measurement is always a good idea. I always do so even when I have all the documentation on a device. Making measurement may reveal something unexpected based on the schematic diagram alone.

When I replaced the step down transformer for the dichroic head of the CB-7 I simply get two 24VDC regulated power supplies. I have much better voltage regulation than any things from Beseler.

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