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W/NW Pic-O'-The-Week #35


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Here we go peeps. Don't hesitate to post your favorite pic for this week. No need to lurk, step up and post..you know who you are:) I'll start with a photo from the end of the OC fair last week. X-Pro2, 35mm Summicron. Let's see yours!



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Uhooru, another interesting shot. Greg M, great. The monochrom is such a fascinating camera. Viktor_gruber, I'm from the antipodes, where were these shots taken?. Two shots, from me, one with my monochrom to chronicle the savage frosts this year where I am (taken with a monochrom m, 50mm lens); the other a happy snap at my step-son's birthday dinner this last wednesday, taken with my newly acquired debt, an M type 240, with a collapsible summicron 50mm. The colour cast has not been corrected. Regards, Arthur (apiarist1)

image1.thumb.jpg.d809a2e5ea7dc0c89483d2b4e8160fca.jpg image3.thumb.jpg.7e8bdee92244dc2df47565da64bb84ac.jpg

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Billblackwellphotography, that is a good shot. There must have been a dorian influence in the statuary of Madison's capital. When was the statue produced? I remember when I did my first degree, visiting the little garden off of the main quadrangle at Sydney Uni, there was a marvellous, quite large, bronze statue of Hermes (finger pointed to the sky, Apollo's messenger, reminding us that no message, or text, ever comes unmediated), and a small bronze 'garden art' of cupid, off to the side. They were mementos of the conflict, philosophical, between the Aristotelians and the neo-Platonists at the establishment of the university. And sergio_ortega|7, that last shot is quite breathtaking. I hope you have it framed and hanging on your wall. The other 'white sands' shots are good, though the horizon is a bit wonky. The flower shots are really enjoyable, but, to be honest, that last shot of white sands, is just so good. Regards, Arthur (apiarist1)
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... When was the statue produced? ...


I have no idea. The roofline is littered with similar stone figures.


Here's one from Sacramento, CA - Leica M6, 50mm Noctilux


Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabella of Spain.

Edited by Bill Blackwell Images
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The future ain't what it used to be ...

– Yogi Berra


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It does, victor_gruber, and thanks. Can you email me the file? I would appreciate it. Or perhaps, I just download it - that may be easier. I prefer b&w (now just mixing up some brew suggested to me by Bill Bowes - catechol), but wanted to try my new debt, a second hand type 240.


Yes, never been to san francisco, but the shots had that look. Keep seeking the light. And thanks, Arthur (apiarist1)

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