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KEH Repair Service


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Does anyone have any experience with the KEH repair service they would like to share. I have 102,000 activations on my 750 and would like to replace the shutter before it fails. Their website states that repairs to DSLR's are a completed at a flat rate of $300.00.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I wouldn't fix it till it's broke


My opinion too. The "lifetimes" are an average. Of the remaining half many of the lenses will go much longer; yours might be one of them.

Perhaps if it is your only camera, it's worth while to do "preventive maintenance", but on the whole I'd rather buy the same or later model "pre-owned" as a backup.


My luck with KEH on all levels from purchase, used, new, or fixes has been very positive.

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I also agree that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. The D750 has a shutter rated to 150K actuations, and it could last to 200K or 250K, or it could die the next time you use it. If you are shooting anything critical, you should always have a second, backup camera anyway. And if I am shooting something extremely critical, my main camera is not going to be an old one. Besides the shutter, other electronics could potentially go bad after several years.
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