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Canon Thursday #17 April 27


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Whass up? No Canon Thursday?


Well, I'll try it this time since I have something new to show off.


Mind your pixels, lads and lassies, 1000 max.


And here is my new puppy, provisionally called Loki.



Canon 20D


(Patrick made me do it, Thanks)

Edited by JDMvW
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Congrats on the new puppy JDM! I envy you the puppy days, as ours slowly diminish and are replaced with adult-dog sanity. Not that Bagheera will ever be truly sedate or anything. He's got too much energy and a skinny frame that's made for running.


A million years ago I had another black Labrador x Golden Retriever named Lupo. He and a yellow Labrador named Raja slept with me in my single bed. Lupo was wierd. He slept between my legs under the covers. He'd leave if he got too hot, but that didn't always happen. Then I met my wife and dog-bed privileges have been reduced or eliminated. Not that Fenris (my Golden) ever really wanted in bed - he too was extremely hot blooded for sleeping next to. Which brings us to Bagheera. Bagheera is somewhere in between. More cuddly than Fenris, but also hot blooded. So this is how he both gets away with being "on the bed" and still stays off the bed. :) He'll stay this way for long periods of time. Usually waiting patiently for me to try and grab and throw his ball.




Canon EOS-1V, FILM: Ilford HP5+

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A woman hiked out to the arch for some bridal photos. She put on her dress and shoes after she got out there but her makeup was done and she had the tiara on for the hike. Her photographer almost lost one of the cameras down the rocks but managed to grab it after a few bounces.


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Taken with the 5d MK IV and an old Olympus 50mm 1.8 lens. I am surprised by how nice it came out.[ATTACH=full]1185047[/ATTACH]

50/1.8 Zuiko silvernose is a wisecontrast lens, I love to use it too!

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