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Collapsible Summicron vs summitar vs summar for non-contrast and non-sharpness


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The Summar will have the lowest contrast and lowest apparent sharpness, especially if (like most of them) it's uncoated. The front element is quite soft and many have a lot of fine scratches, which will make things worse. The Summitar should be rather similar to your Summicron in the centre, but the later lens is better in the corners. The Summitar also has rather distinctive swirly bokeh, which you may or may not want.
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Try to find a used copy of Erwin Puts' Leica Lens Compendium. The free older download version without illustrations is no longer available online, but you might find somebody who downloaded a copy and is willing to email it to you. This pretty well answers almost any question you might have about Leica lenses produced prior to 2003 and can be helpful to you in the future.
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I've had all the iterations of non-aspherical Summicrons. My favorite are still the collapsible LTM and DR 'cron. Except wide-open, my factory coated Summar is as good as any 'cron., and takes the little clamp-on filters from my other LTM lenses.
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