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Is there a way to simply delete all photos in your portfolio?


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You're leaving? We will miss you, especially the new puppy - I'm probably getting a new dog myself -- the main push over the edge was Bagheera.



Seriously considering it. I posted a photo in a thread yesterday and then wanted it removed. Despite my repeated requests, the moderator in question Shun Chen, ignored or refused my request. Moderators have far too much power here, and if i can't control my own content I want no part of this site.

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Well, quitting Photo.net is cumbersome. I should know, I've done it more than once.


Somehow Matt Laur's dogs always lure me back, not to mention the other nice people (well, and some not so nice, but that's life)


In just a bit, I may be bringing a dog back home from the humane shelter!

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Well, quitting Photo.net is cumbersome. I should know, I've done it more than once.


Somehow Matt Laur's dogs always lure me back, not to mention the other nice people (well, and some not so nice, but that's life)


In just a bit, I may be bringing a dog back home from the humane shelter!


A new dog is always fun! I'm turning 55 this year so Bagheera is likely my last puppy. I hope to spend my "golden years" adopting the truly old and abandoned dogs from shelters, to give them love and dignity in their own declining years.


Even so, this puppy has been a wonderful experience. I finally know how to raise a dog after 4 previous ones who were saddled with an owner who didn't deserve them. Oh the mistakes I made. But this guy gets to be the one whose owner finally got it right. I just hope I pass along to my kids the right way to treat a dog, on my last attempt. Puppies take patience and calmness and energy. I have most of that, though a bum knee is limiting my energy expenditure right now. I'm lucky that the puppy is very tolerant of my shortcomings and has my son as an alternate playmate.


Then again, he discovered swimming last weekend, so as long as my stick-throwing arm is good, we're good. :)


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As of now you must do 1 by 1, however more functions are coming to allow bulk edits. To do one by one you must go to MyPortfolio>Photos>Menu>Delete. Sorry to see you go Patrick.
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