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On comments to posted photos


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I have been receiving e-mails (most welcome and useful at that) from PN informing me that some fellow member has posted a comment on my photo. However, I do not know "specifically" to which photo of mine the comment was posted to. Can someone help me find the section where I can see it? Thanks in advance for any help you can share.
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Can someone help me find the section where I can see it?

The easiest way I've found to figure out which photo the email alert is for is to click on the link in the email. The problem I'm finding is that since I do a lot more commenting on others' photos than putting up my own for critique, the notifications are about 20 to 1 on the side of people adding follow-up comments to others' photos that I commented on, and there's no way to tell from the email that the new comment isn't on your own photo, and there's not yet a way to turn off email notifications for follow-up comments. <br><br>


But there's now an easy way to check for new comments on your own photos if you're logged in. Go to your portfolio (from the drop down under your icon in the upper right corner of this screen), and on the left you'll see a new entry for "Your activities." Click on that and one of the choices will be to see recent comments on your photos.

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I also have received messages stating that "Commented" posted on my portfolio or photo. Annoying. Who is "Commented"? Also, this has never been a comment or post on my own portfolio or photo. It's always a subsequent comment on a photo or portfolio I've left a comment on. Another gripe.... I posted a question about photo sizing quite a while back and never received a reply. (Granted, there's too much to deal with right now.) This new site format is still so disappointing. I only have a look about once a week lately. Waiting for more improvement before I return with any regularity.
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