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Sony Sunday week 15 4/14/2013


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Spring is trying to break through the ice and cold weather but as the poet said (I have no idea which poet)

“…April is the cruelest month… “ I attached the beercan and went looking for flower shots. Using it at full

magnification and standing close to the flowers was very similar to having a macro. I also got a redwinged

blackbird and two geese in flight which may get posted later. It was maybe 55F today but tomorrow is supposed to

reach 70F. Post up some of your shots with some spring in them, no more than three with the long side no larger

than 700 pixels.

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<p>Here in the westernmost corner of the southwest, temperatures have been a bit more pleasant for a while. But rather than cruel cold, the regional problem here is that we've had the last sprinkle of rain 4 weeks ago, so it looks like April will be the driest month instead.</p>

<p>For bugging the local birds that's both good and bad: less extensive marshes and shallower ponds means the waders are a bit easier to find and approach (rather than having to look for evasive needles is watery haystacks) but OTOH there are clearly fewer of them hanging around compared to a wet year. Case in point: conditions are getting right earlier in the season for wading out on the muddy/clayey bottoms as the shallowest marshes dry up, and setting up my tripod where avocets methodically skim off the trapped mosquito larvae etc.</p>


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<p>What I'm really aiming for are action shots of territorial disputes - after all spring is the season of more flammable tempers for these aquatic aristocrats. But before getting the hang of such skirmishes & sudden spats again, for now I'm having to refresh my basics viz best settings to get focus and Ev right against very bright and featureless water surfaces, while getting my off-center subjects properly composed including their reflections - or not - as the ever-changing light/wind/bird combinations may permit.</p>


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<p>A little late to the party this week. Some recent shots include</p>

<p><a title="Edinburgh chimneys by FlickrDelusions, on Flickr" href=" Edinburgh chimneys src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8539/8641691362_d70412d430_c.jpg" alt="Edinburgh chimneys" width="800" height="536" /></a><br>

<em>Edinburgh chimneys</em><br>

NEX-7 and SEL 55-210 zoom at 210mm</p>

<p><a title="The Flowering Tree by FlickrDelusions, on Flickr" href=" The Flowering Tree src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8526/8643707346_34089425df_c.jpg" alt="The Flowering Tree" width="320" height="800" /></a><br>

<em>The Flowering Tree - </em>Iffley church, Oxford<br>

NEX-7 and 55-210 zoom at 63mm</p>

<p><a title="Banda Estrellas de Sinaloa and supporters by FlickrDelusions, on Flickr" href=" Banda Estrellas de Sinaloa and supporters src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8385/8652420155_722bfa6212_c.jpg" alt="Banda Estrellas de Sinaloa and supporters" width="533" height="800" /></a></p>

<p><em>Banda Estrellas de Sinaloa and supporters</em> - part of the Battle of the Brass Bands at the Barbican, London, Sunday night (the opponents of this Mexican band were from the Balkans)<br>

NEX-3 and Sigma E 30mm f/2.8</p>

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