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Sony Sunday week 4 1/27/13


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We live about 20 miles from Lake Monroe where a program is ongoing to repopulate the bald eagle. My wife likes

to feed and watch birds in the yard and was very excited to see an eagle perched near our house. She rousted me

out with camera to record the event. Naturally I did not have the Sigmonster (400 mm F6.3 with doubler) mounted

so the shots are not Paul De Ley caliber. They do prove an eagle was here. Have you used your camera to

document something? Post a few with the long side no more than 700 pixels.


Shot # 2 Shows what happens when a disk sled is left out and more precipitation falls.


Shot #3 is of pampas grass with the fronds glowing in strong sunlight.<div>00bHgD-516245584.jpg.2c175ee5199c5a1e2a0d59a4a8398d92.jpg</div>

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<p>Last but not least - it doesn't always require a bigma or bigmonster-sized lens to get close to the birdies: here's a 60% crop of a photo sniped with a500 + Minolta 100-300 apo last tuesday (no rain then) when this Mr Wilson's Snipe casually trotted right by my car's open window.</p>


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<p>Most of my pictures this week have been more in the Mirrorless Monday category, but here's something to warm the cockles of your heart - I got a battery pack for my Vectis S-1 APS film SLR. I still have some ageing APS films so maybe next week I'll have some results to share.</p>

<p><a title="Vectis S-1 / 22-80 lens by FlickrDelusions, on Flickr" href=" Vectis S-1 / 22-80 lens src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8230/8417822052_8a92b1a9d4_c.jpg" alt="Vectis S-1 / 22-80 lens" width="800" height="642" /></a><br>

NEX-7 and Sony E 16mm lens</p>

<p>Meanwhile I fitted my Pentax-110 24mm f/2.8 lens to my old NEX-3 and took the following picture in the local churchyard. </p>

<p><a title="Churchyard tilt/shift by FlickrDelusions, on Flickr" href=" Churchyard tilt/shift src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8335/8421338882_2bbc8cc67e_c.jpg" alt="Churchyard tilt/shift" width="800" height="453" /></a><br>

Snapseed for the tilt/shift effect.</p>

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Howard, I had two Vectises (Vectae?) but for some reason they failed and I didn't think repairs were cost effective. These were not the SLR models.


Paul, aside from the eagle most of the birds around here only show up on dark overcast days. I will make an effort to catch (snapshot) one on a bright day.

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