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HC-110 vs Rodinal for Tri-X and HP5+


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<p>I like developer concentrates and used to use FG7 for Tri-X and

HP5+. Lately have been using Rodinal and like it, though the grain is

fairly significant. I'm thinking of experimenting with HC-110 at 1:63

dilution (based on this <a


article</a>). Do any of you have head-to-head comparitive experience

between these two developers for Tri-X and HP5+? Should I try it or

just stick to Rodinal? (Please don't answer use D-76 :)</p>

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THis is another one of those personal preferences. I do not like Rodinal with faster films. We use HC110 for all student work and a lot of my own with both TriX and HP5+ (old version of trix). we are using dilution "B" with great results, altho trix times in our lab is 6 minutes not 7 1/2 per Kodak. We do have Rodinal on hand and it is used with Agfa 25/100 speeds film (yes some of us still have 25 hanging around in the fridge.)
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I always preferred HC110 for Tri-X. The contrast, tonality and sharpness suited my tastes. Grain never seemed a problem when the two were combined within reason - at 800 it was grainy, at 200 it was not.


However Tri-X and HP5+ really are different films despite being old style emulsions. They don't resemble each other much to me and I like them both.


So far I haven't tried HP5+ in HC110. It's great in Rodinal up to 800, where it actually delivers finer grain than HP5+ at 400 in Ilfosol-S.

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Thanks for the speedy replies. I'm going to buy a bottle of HC110 syrup and do some experimenting but was curious what to expect vis-a-vis Rodinal. I like a developer with long shelf life and no mixing and both products give me that. HC110 is probably not a "fine-grain" developer but after Rodinal, it may look like one :)
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I have a feeling that Frank Peeters used Tri-X in Rodinal. It gives a very prominent but a very crisp grain. I have used it but only where the subject matter suggests it. I have devved HP5 in Rodinal but I downrate it to 160 ASA and dev at 1:50, 20 C for 9 minutes. Grain is quite moderate.
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Thanks Bill. I've done Tri-X at 200 in Rodinal (1:50) and it does look very good. However much I like Tri-X at 200 pictorially, I always seem to need an additional f-stop when shooting so I prefer a developer that brings out as close to a true 400 as possible. Maybe I'll just use a tripod instead :)
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