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Dark Grains on Film

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<p>Hi all,<br>

Was wondering if anyone has the same problem as me and if you have a solution.<br>

This image directly below is the raw image (tiff) from the scanner. Notice there are <strong>NO</strong> dark grains around the eyes.<br>

<img src="https://c1.staticflickr.com/8/7454/27308312456_51f6a128ed_n.jpg" alt="" width="317" height="320" /><br>

However, after the <strong>exposure was increased</strong> in Lightroom, dark grains can be seen. As shown in the image below<br>

<img src="https://c8.staticflickr.com/8/7442/26735230703_baf35585c4_n.jpg" alt="" width="319" height="320" /></p>

<p>Does anyone know how to remove the dark grains? and will it affect (can be seen) large sized prints?<br>


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<p>From what film is the scan? I've noticed with some Fuji films that my Nikon scanner shows black specks once in a while. I think they used to call that pepper grain or something like that. It doesn't happen with all scans though. In the case of the above, are you able to try just increasing the levels in Photoshop itself to see if the pattern appears there as well? <br>

If it doesn't, I'm wondering if something with Lightroom is messing with the picture somehow beyond just exposure. The top picture doesn't seem to show the presence of those specks which makes me wonder.</p>

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