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Sellling corporate event photographs to be used for marketing purposes

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<p>I have been approached by a large construction company that wants me to photograph a client appreciation event. I sent over a contract that basically says you can't use my photos for marketing/advertising without explicit written permission. The company emailed me back saying that they would like to use these photographs for internal and external marketing purposes and what that would entail? I have tried to research as much as I can but I can't seem to find anything related to this issue. My question is how much extra should I charge on top of my hourly fee to allow them to use my photos for marketing? Even just a ballpark would help, I don't know wether it should be $50 an image, $1000 an image, $500 extra for all images, or nothing at all. Any guidance would be appreciated!</p>
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<p>Depends on the usage. Go to a stock image site and use the payment calculator to get an idea. $1000 per image is way too much unless they are a Fortune 500 company.<br>

I don't deal with all that stuff, I just set a decent hourly rate with a number of hi-res files, hand them over, get paid and forget about it. </p>

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<p>No one is going to pay you $1,000 per image for a client appreciation event. LOL. This is not an advertising campaign. You will be lucky to get $400 per hour. There are too many photographers out there fighting for work charging as low as $100 per hour. All files included.</p>
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<p>It is depressing to read how little photographers regard their Intellectual Property. I would have the client commit to a specific number of images, say up to ten images and a fee of $1500 for use in Marketing for two years. I would shoot the event, focus on the manor in which the client will use them and deliver proofs for them to pick up to ten images for their application.<br>

Do we not understand that what we produce has value? Whether it's grip and grin, Marketing or Advertising, there is value. Do you think the client will receive free services from a Marketing Firm, Advertising Agency or freelancers? Otherwise, you are handing over their content for free.</p>

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<p>I do this type of work based on an hourly rate and roll the licensing in as Jeff says. We're talking people speaking at a podium, people chatting at a cocktail party, examining vendors displays at a trade show, etc. They're basically news coverage the same as in my newspaper days. Marketing in this case generally means putting the shot online or into a newsletter, or handing it out to a newspaper. Setting up an advertising/marketing shot, choosing "models," decorating a "set," posing and lighting everything would be a different story.</p>
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<p>Curtis said internal and external marketing so I responded to his specs. I've shot People, Fashion, Food and other subjects, so I think that I have a decent knowledge of our Industry. Perhaps I would price myself out of this project but I wouldn't feel bad about it. Perhaps after a conversation with the Client, I would justify a slightly lower fee but I'm going by the original post.</p>
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