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In need of good camera strap.


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<p>Hi guys, <br /><br /><br>

Im looking for camera straps that are relatively thinner than most. To be more specific, Im looking for something like this-<br>

Took this from newswear.com site, if any of you know that brand.</p>


<p><b>Moderator: Per the photo.net Terms of Use, do not post photos that you did not take. This should make sense to anyone who values their own photographs.</b></p>

<p >Looking forward to your valuable opinions! <br>

Thanks in advance!</p>

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<p>Those are 80s-90s vintage nylon straps. My local camera store has a bin of them for five bucks each, or Ebay for them. I make my own similar leather straps from bits from Tandy Leather, for about the same money. I still prefer the 60s style leather strap to anything else ever made.</p>
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<p>I also make my own as well as custom fit shoulder pads. Tandy Leather has a wide variety of materials if you're into the exotic or you can just buy their pre-cut strap leather, put on the fittings you desire, embellish them with stamps or carvings, stain them to the tone you wish, add a protective finish. If you want nylon rather than leather, many outdoor places carry various width nylon straps for hikers, climbers, etc.</p>
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<p>If you make a thinner leather strap you'll find it has a couple of definite advantages over nylon. It's not slippery, and that combined with the narrower width tending to dig in more and the softness of the material, you won't need any type of shoulder pad. It's the only way to go if you want to carry a couple of cameras and not get thick straps and pads tangled up.</p>

<p>The Tandy product I use is called 1/2" leather string. That's the same thing the old straps are made of. That and some rivets, and you are done. You don't need the rivet tools, just a hammer. If you want it adjustable, I buy old straps like the ones in the photo you show, and steal two buckles from each of those---that's two leather straps worth.</p>

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<p>I have been using straps from www.thinktankphoto.com for lighter cameras - Leica and Sony A7. They are nylon with a non-slip coating on both sides of the strap, very thin and flexible. They would support my big Nikon, but probably not comfortably. For heavy cameras, I use an Op-Tech or Sunsniper strap.</p>

<p>I strongly recommend against leather. Leather is easily attacked by fungus, which renders it as weak as facial tissue without visible signs or warning.</p>

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<p>Second on the Op/Tech. There is a combo for everything--and you can go from strap to harness to sling with just a couple snaps of the connectors. Their offerings are a "system" so you can put connectors on each camera--and bounce around with your choice of hanging. I often just snap the connectors together for an convenient hand strap--keeps them out of the way and serves a function.</p>

<p>I have put the connectors on all of my cameras--digital, TLR, MF RB67's, 35's--and am ready to go! The neck strap system is comfortable, distributes the weight well--and BREATHS moisture from your neck or shoulder out. Been using them for about 10 years now--would not consider any other solution. Oh, and they are available from all the big online camera supply joints. You will most likely be most interested in their Pro Strap system to start. To look at the whole catalog, visit their site:</p>

<p><a href="http://optechusa.com/">http://optechusa.com/</a></p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Hi guys, <br />Thank you all for your valuable responses. Yes, I guess it is these old nylon straps that I am looking for. B and H does not seem to have them though and neither does my local camera store. Will try on Ebay if I can get these exact same. I used to have one for my fuji 6x7 and that thing was super comfortable even for all day use. <br>

If not, then i will probably go in for either the Think Tank strap (https://www.thinktankphoto.com/collections/camera-straps/products/camera-strap-v2?variant=1243703015)<br>

and have any of you tried this one from nikon- http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/37064-REG/Nikon_639_AN_4B_Nylon_Neck_Strap.html<br>

I'm not really in for leather though as my day job involves me doing a lot of run and gun multimedia for a small news wire service. I dont know, Im just comfortable with the idea of using leather straps when im sweating and running around all day. <br /><br /><br />Thanks again for your opinions!</p>

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  • 2 months later...

<p>Hi All, <br>

I too have a strap / sling issue. I am short at only 5', and really do tend to waddle about with my gear. I have found myself with both my cameras on their regular camera straps each crossed over my body; one on each side. But this is not comfy at all, so I looked in to double slings. I bought the Carry Speed sling, but my issue is that the cameras when attached are just so low down due to my height. Are there any double strap systems that are suitable for short ladies? I do like the way the plate attaches to the Carry Speed strap, and it is possible to convert it to a single cross body strap too...</p>


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