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Classic Manual Camera Weekend, Sept. 9

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<p>Rick D: Thanks! I'll try that. </p>

<p>Love #2 Skyline. I'm going to get around to Pyro someday after I have all the basics under control. My order of trials will be: Ilfosol 3 (done), D76 (next, found some in a garage cleanout), Rodinol (bought a bottle), and some Obsididan Aqua Bill B. gave me.</p>

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<p>Great atmospheric image from the Minicord, <strong>Martin.</strong><br>

The weather cleared this afternoon and I took a walk with a Konica Autoreflex T, wearing a newly-cleaned 57mm Hexanon AR f/1.4. It really is a magnificent lens, though it's a fairly weighty combination of lens and camera. Here are a couple of samples from the roll of Arista EDU 100 Ultra, developed in PMK Pyro and scanned on an Epson V700 using Silverfast SE software.</p><div>00e87W-565256284.jpg.c487a201dbdee3ac3158db50b863e91a.jpg</div>

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<p>Rick, thank you for your kind words<br>

<strong>I had a Konica Autoreflex T, with Hexanon 58mm /1.4, Hexanon 28mm/2.8 and</strong><br>

<strong>Hexanon 135mm/3.5 </strong><br>

<strong>It is a weigthy camera, the automatic diaphram is mechanically actuated, all three lenses</strong><br>

<strong>are quite sharp.</strong><br>

<strong>Later, I sold the set to Henrys, and bought instead a Contax 139 with Planar 50mm/1.4</strong><br>

<strong> </strong></p>

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<p>Martin your combination of film and developer really seems to get the most from the Minicord. I look forward to seeing more images.<br>

Rick the Konica images bring back memories for me. When my family had a camera shop the Konica Auto Reflex T3 and A3 were the first SLR's we stocked. Sold a few with the 57 mm f1.4 but mostly with the f 1.7. One customer ordered a 57mm f1.2 to go with his black T3. He hasn't used in years, but offered to give it to me when he finds it.</p>

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<p>Hello everyone. Friday's mail had my "newest" (3rd) FSU camera showing up. The previous two (Fed-3 and Zorki-4) are in need of some serious CLA attention, but this one is almost perfect! . . . and it's Red !<br>

After an hour or so of "checking it out", I put one of my 24x rolls of some off beat rebadged film in the Fed and zipped over to My Marina for a test sessions. Got there and discovered I had left the Pilot meter at home, so all exposures were "sunny 16". Most shots had a G filter on the N-61 lens. My "standard" Obsidian Aqua developing and V800 scans this am. Good, sharp negs with surprising, "almost" ideal exposures. . . Glad to know the "sunny 16" bit still works. Bill</p><div>00e8Ay-565267584.jpg.fba9e99a67b9e3220d3da0cd7ab23e13.jpg</div>

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