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Adapting Ef glass to E mount body (A6300)


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<p>Morning shooters!<br /><br />Apologies if im in the wrong spot or covering old ground.<br /><br />Im being asked more and more to shoot video, most often at mid level concerts (500-1000) people typically and festivals (10-20000) I have been using my 6d's with a mono yet im finding the consistent hand focusing is frankly taking the fun out of it as im capturing constantly moving subjects and in the low and or erratic light im hunting sharp edges on silhouettes a lot of the time.<br /><br />From what i can tell the best low light performers are the Sony's mirrorless range (?) and i can get an adaptor to suit my EOS glass. basically im trying to ascertain if any of the Adaptors have full Auto focus capabilities in Video mode and if so which brand(s)<br /><br />Any anecdotal input is appreciated ie how well it functions with the adaptor on (focus accuracy and speed), are there better options? Is canon releasing anything comparable in the near future. im open to other brands of camera and at one stage even considered a black magic yet from what i can tell the little 4k Sony takes the cake in low light. (its hard to go past the price point too as at this stage the video work isnt producing additional income)<br /><br />Many thanks in advance<br /><br />S</p>
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See a DP review comparison between the A6300 and Canon 80D:




I guess its the Sony's 4K video vs Canon's duel pixel AF performance in video mode (and absolute EF lens

compatibility). There are various on line articles outlining the performance of Sony cameras with various adapters and

Canon EF lenses, though most focus on the latest Sony FF models. Of course the rumor mill anticipates a

new 5D iv with 4K and duel pixel AF, but I think you can guess at the anticipated price tag.

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Metabones makes the best EF to e mount adapters, and periodically issues firmware updates to improve functionality. A

recent update was designed to give native functionality to adapted lenses, at least for stills. I'm not sure if this translates

to video AF as well....

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<p>I have the Metabones IV (don't get the III or II) and for many lenses up to the 100-400 version II Canon zoom, it gives me 95% of the speed of a native Canon lens. I highly recommend this combo. Metabones issues frequent updates to its adapter. The Verion IV adapter is "flocked" on the inside so light rays are not reflected and do not end up causing problems on the sensor/final image.</p>


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<p>Youre a stallion, cheers mate<br /><br />Im seriously considering ditching Canon altogether(3 bodies, 10+ lenses) and reinvesting in Sony FF (instead of stop gap apsc) From what i can tell the glass choices are getting there (i can realistically do most of my stuff with a fast 70-200, 24-70, an extreme wide/fisheye and a planar 50mm) and 90% of my work is low light gigs which from all accounts the A7's crush anyway (i know i have a few hours of research ahead of me re 7s vs 7rii..). Anybody want to offer any reasons why this is a bad idea? (apologies if i seem ignorant but i just struggle to find the time to keep pace with all the details of advancements)<br /><br />If my stills will be just as good and i get 4k vid with low light perf across the board, am i missing something? Several festival shooters i know have gone this way in the last 12 months.. <br /><br />Anyway a bunch of new questions there, im 'thyping'<br /><br />Cheers<br /><br />S<br /><br /><br /></p>
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<p>have a look at this recent video:</p>


<p>DPR (especially) and FM forums (somewhat) do a good jod of discussing the merits and disadvantages of each adapter for stills. I have not looked into Metabones IV/video much except for a quick search on the internet to address your query...so you might do an intensive search - especially on You Tube...or ask the same question over at DP Review: Metabones IV performance and the Sony a6300 VIDEO.</p>

<p>The other adapters - the non Metabones and Non Sigma MC-11 - those are not in the same ballpark as the Meta/Sigma...so avoid.</p>

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<p>Awesome, they all the shiz the bed in video. Mark IV just dropped, like kissing your sister ie no CFAST etc.<br /><br />If Sony swallowed Nikon and put their mount on the A7s and beyond it would force Canon to stop pensioning out technology.</p>
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