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Classic Manual Camera Weekend, May 27

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<p>Ok so the meter in my XE7 is officially kaput. I should have known better but most of this roll of Tri-x was very under exposed but received normal development in Xtol. I did love the effect of this one shot though.</p><div>00dy0Y-563327584.jpg.ca82ca1827bd3b81c5bc9d43f3aaacf4.jpg</div>
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<p>Love that Coke machine, <strong>Michael</strong>. Our Aussie mates across the Tasman are sending us a tropical storm to add a little excitement to the weekend, so I got out early today and snapped a few images as the storm clouds gathered. I used one of my favourite cameras, the Canon T70, along with a lens I rather like, a 28-210mm Vivitar (Cosina) f/3.5-5.6 Macro Focusing zoom. I'm always a little bemused by the fact that I like a camera that never got a lot of good press, and a lens that has been disparaged more than most, but I put my affectations down to some serious flaws in my own photographic psyche. Film was Ilford FP4 developed in PMK Pyro, scans from an Epson V700 using Silverfast software.</p>

<p>Nice work from the AL,<strong>Tony</strong>. A great little camera with a really excellent lens.</p><div>00dy1D-563331284.jpg.6f144159dfe4bb037a31fe1a3a44d746.jpg</div>

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<p>Michael, love the Coke machine. Serendipitous.</p>

<p>A few from the Canon P setup, Tri-X.</p>

<p>#1:<br /> <img src="https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/13217035_10204849172584088_7603450096443528166_o.jpg" alt="" /><br /> .<br /> #2:<br /> <img src="https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/13217464_10204849174384133_5989325604561187852_o.jpg" alt="" /><br>



<img src="https://scontent.fsnc1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/13221348_10204849172704091_4746443898092212387_o.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>Hello everyone. I am just back from a 6 day stay in Las Vegas...not much for the glitcy stuff, but just off the "old" strip (Fremont area) are some neat wall murals in the decaying section of that area. Next week some work from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. Enjoy, Bill All shots from my Super Solinette (35mm), UFX400 @ 320asa, OA @ 17m</p><div>00dy4k-563338484.JPG.b9cbba4abf509888e7f742e9f6cc5724.JPG</div>
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I am back trying to fix the focus on the Photoavit TLR from last Fall.




Truth be told ...still not happy. Why do some images appear right on, and others don't. I have put too many

hours into to this..I am sick I know it! Also I was liking Rodinal so far, but here I see "bromide drag" on

most photos with lots of sky and this was NOT using stand development. ( The temp was 24 for 12

minutes) I do rather like the blacks from "Earl Grey" film I've been told this is Fomopan in 120 form. I am

most unhappy with "infinity" . Maybe the I'm pushing the limits of the Triplet and my poor scanner.<div>00dy88-563350084.jpg.2e6a6d3f1eb313d551aca669e2508dc5.jpg</div>

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