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Young Model Photo Shoot

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<p>In Tacoma, WA there is an Antique Row of shops that I visit regularly looking for old cameras among other things. I always carry a camera whenever I can, just in case something interesting pops up.</p>

<p>On the way back to my truck a couple of weeks ago, this large group of young ladies dressed in black were having their pictures taken by some professional photographers. I asked carefully if I might be allowed some shots. </p>

<p>Well, the young ladies are working with a local photo modeling agency trying to get into paying work. So, of course! They would love any opportunity to get in front of a lens!</p>

<p>I had only 12 shots of TMax 400 left on my Canon P, with the 50mm 1.8 LTM on the front. Here's what I got.</p>

<p>These have been tweaked slightly by software. The bright white wall behind the ladies caused some wash-out in the shots. The software cleaned it up slightly. I'll post an unedited shot too so you can see the trouble the lens had with all that random light hitting it.</p>

<p>Anyhow, just a good reminder to always carry your camera .... and an extra roll of film!</p>


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<p>Here's the one that has not been processed. I find that it is a bit milky. "Autocorrect" in Microsoft's very limited software tends to clean it up. But aiming that Canon 50mm f/1.8 post-Serenar black-barrel lens toward a huge white wall is problematic. </p>

<p><img src="https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/t31.0-8/12967358_10204641801639944_8868671968373144861_o.jpg" alt="" width="2048" height="1358" /></p>

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<p>Lovely work, Brad! Such a challenging scene with the wide tonal range, but you captured it beautifully. And you were prepared for the opportunity when it appeared :)<br>

I have the older chrome Serenar, which I'm now inspired to dust off and couple with a film body.</p>

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<p>Since they want modeling jobs, maybe there is some way you could pass on, as an intermediary, messages to their<br>

"local photo modeling agency contact" for those in the Tacoma area. :)</p>

<p>Always screening out the inevitable "creeps". :0</p>


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<p>Nice work Brad. I use the Canon 50/1.8 quite often on my LTM bodies and really like its rendering. You really nailed a great example of why to keep your camera with you at all times!</p>
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