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How is this image created?

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<p><a href="https://drscdn.500px.org/photo/123865983/m%3D900/1853bac73e3d64706d68583eef9484ce">Link</a><br>

Hi all,<br>

I really love this kind of street photographs and am hoping to try it on my own.<br>

Would like to ask how it is done?<br>

My take is there are 2 exposures.<br>

The first would be a long exposure without the subject, to create the blur from the traffic flow<br>

The second would be with the subject, but at a faster shutter speed to freeze the subject.<br>

Finally both are combined in photoshop<br>

Am I right?<br>

Would love some advise and tips on this.<br>

Thank you! </p>

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<p>Looks to me like a single exposure at about 1/15 or so-- slow enough to blur the moving people but short enough to handhold and keep the still objects somewhat sharp. <br /><br />Then, do the wedding photography style selective color abomination in photoshop or whatever, and you're all set.</p>
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