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What are you shooting next weekend?

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<p>Back in the day, this thread cropped up on CMC fairly regularly, and usually provoked numerous responses. I always enjoyed the amalgam of anecdotes, opinions, queries and illustrations that were posted, and felt it was an ideal way for members to participate without having to spend time and effort putting together anything of a more complex nature. So, I thought I might revive the thread on a trial basis, and if it's well-received I'd be happy to initiate it on, say, a fortnightly schedule. Please let me know your opinions; ideally a post would comprise a description and/or photograph of the camera, and some indication of the anticipated film and processing, together with any other information a member considers appropriate, for example the intended location or event.</p>

<p>Anyway, here's my weekend user, a pretty Praktica that I don't recall ever having used. This BMS is an example of the last Praktica models; I have three or four of the series, including the better-featured BX20, and that's the model I usually use. This one is fitted with the diminutive 50mm Prakticar MC f/2.4 lens, also rather an unknown quantity. The camera features "match the diodes" metering, coupled to both shutter speeds and apertures. Aperture settings are also visible in the viewfinder via the little "Judas Window" above the lens mount. I'll most likely load it with Ilford FP4 Plus and take it with me to a neighbouring town where I have business to attend to on Saturday, and the film will later be developed in PMK Pyro.</p><div>00eB3T-565821784.jpg.a0659996ad767abb0133d077792a9fa2.jpg</div>

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<p>I'm giving it serious thought. I've said a few times lately I am getting bored with digital for some reason. What can I say, I grew up in a darkroom and fed many rolls of Tri-X to an F2. I still have a couple of those things and plan to take one of them and either an F4S or an N90S out for some work this weekend. I wouldn't call it organized but some film will get used. I'll be sticking with some manual AI lenses which is normal for me anyway and start re exploring the town I live in. I can already smell the fixer. I haven't participated much in these types of threads but I need to get back to this and will be shooting something hopefully worth adding.</p>

<p>Rick H.</p>

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<p>Haven't actually planned anything for the weekend. <br />There's a roll of film in a Leica that I need to finish, so I'll probably end up taking a walk or bicycle ride through the nearby woods. <br /><br />Received a working Contax I v4 yesterday, looking forward to running some film through that as well.</p>
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<p>I had a go at photographing the annual tulip display at the local botanical gardens about ten days ago, but between the wind and prevailing overcast, I didn't have a lot of success with the Velvia 50 I'd loaded into the Linhof I recently acquired. My wife wants to head in there on Saturday for their annual tomato sale, so I have my fingers crossed that the blooms will still be decent, and the conditions favourable enough for me to have another crack at them. We have a few potted tulips that will bloom soon, so plan B may be to set them up by a window, and aim the Linhof at them indoors.</p>
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HaHaa Kent! I spent the last two weekends shooting a mix of cameras and film. The Photavit TLR, the FX3 I recently

aquired and my ContaxII. I am unable to post .. that is my frustration. New PC, so now no scanner software


I will probabkly shoot again this last weekend before I move back to UUUhggghh shift work. Then my " weekends" won't

be weekends anymore Grrr!!

I will likely use a recently aquired Nikon P&S 35AF and look for a yellow filer that might fit, I just read it takes a 46mm and

one I saw online was an Arsenal/Kiev,. Maybe I even have this.. so a 38mmm lens and my last roll of B&W film for the last

weekend of my regular work life!

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<p>I'm actually on the road right now enjoying the fall foliage in northern NM and southern Colorado. Decided to travel light and brought along the FED 50 loaded with Fujicolor 100, and the Zenit Automat with Industar 50-2 and Velvia 100.</p><div>00eB7L-565838284.jpg.fcd95139cb68e7166862ff67b19a7e6d.jpg</div>
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<p>Pentax MX out with me in the Deer hunting grounds. Have to be ready for nasty conditions (rain, dust, etc.) and I need basic gear that won't make me cry if it gets destroyed.</p>

<p>Samples from last year with the same gear, same place:</p>


<img src="https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/10856636_10202243964815522_4287679139216598221_o.jpg" alt="" /><br>


<img src="https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/10750481_10202243966655568_405485599568693660_o.jpg" alt="" /><br>


<img src="https://scontent.fsnc1-5.fna.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/10380700_10202243966015552_2784310854217200892_o.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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Its been like Christmas around here this week, the Rollei 35 came so there is film in it and today the Konica Auto S2 came so there is film in that, and if it doesn't pour down rain here, San Jose, CA, I will get out and do some tests on the new cameras.<br>

I will also try to finish the roll in the Canon F1 beast <br>



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<p>I read that as "what am I shooting this week to be ready for next weekends posting".<br>

I have some Portra 160 on a 620 spool and 70mm Portra 160 on a 616 spool film in at the lab at the moment, hopefully they will be back sometime during this coming week. These films came from a pair of Kodak art deco cameras<br>

I have been out to the airport this morning where there are people getting ready for tomorrow's air show event. There were a limited number of tickets to allow public access to gawp at aeroplanes. Lucky 100 in a Nicca III this morning.<br>

I also have film loaded in a Voigtlander Vito B.<br>

See what come back this week.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I was going to take a new arrival, a Zeiss Ikon Taxona, out for its maiden voyage, but when I went to load the camera, I discovered that it lacked a take-up spool! <br>

So the backups will have to do: Canon F1N + 50 1.4 SSC and Rolleiflex K4A, both probably with whatever random film I can easily fish out of the top of the fridge drawer.</p>

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