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Mirrorless Monday_September 7th, 2015


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<p>A few from the county fair. There is nothing like a fair to turn you toward thoughts of vegetarianism, at least till the next burger ad. Much like the Edward G. Robinson character in Soilent Green, these animals are enjoying possibly the best day of their lives with all the grooming and attention before they meet their inevitable fate.</p><div>00dTcc-558342084.jpg.09888dd51756a81a53cf4e047e131b6c.jpg</div>
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<p>Thanks Steve, I like your take on the fair too, especially the first one. Besides the fair we've had four ethnic festivals so far this summer with the Greek Fest going on now and the Italians next weekend. Other than the music its hard to tell one from another especially the food.</p><div>00dTfI-558347584.jpg.2ca296b11a2617a108595a4d4601fc4b.jpg</div>
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<p>Thanks David for the encouragement! I love the light in your first shot, and is that your reflectin in the second one? It's an intriguing image. I'll throw up a forth image from my shoot for something else I wouldn't normally do. The editing was done in a program called Analog Projects which has a whole bunch of film look presets.</p><div>00dTfv-558348184.jpg.76a1e153dc36b1d585f7f1128f7707ae.jpg</div>
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<p>Anthea, the second shot is indeed my reflection. I was standing outside the large glass window of a tour bus shooting the silhouette of one one of the teachers sitting inside the bus. So I am reflected in the window along with the old Victorian style house behind me. The brighter, greenish rectangle outlining the teacher is actually the open door of the tour bus on the other side. All the elements came together here for a fairly interesting image I think.</p>

<p>I like your fourth shot as well. Great depth of field in what looks to be a dark environment. Seems like it would be a challenging shot.</p>

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