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Need tips on using the Canon 9000f Mark II Scanner

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<p>Okay, so here's the rub.<br /> I've begun processing my own film (which I am in love with doing now) and so my next step was to purchase a digital scanner. I settled on the Canon 9000f Mark II for it's great reviews and unbeatable price. I have no where near the kind of money to go out and get a Noritsu or the like. Gotta start somewhere. :) Anyway, to my main point. So I have a macbook pro and I have installed the software that came with my Canon scanner. I have done some scanning in the advanced settings but am not getting the results I'm looking for. I've searched the internet far and wide for a forum somewhere or a video on this very scanner in regards to someones advanced settings setup to no avail. I want to know things like: What DPI should my output be at? What should my data size be showing in the output settings? Should I change my output size to something <strong>other than </strong>'flexible'? In other words, I'm clueless.<br /> Secondly, for those of you who use this scanner regularly for 35mm and medium format, what/how is the best way for exporting the images to a desktop folder once they've been scanned? I've been using the Image Garden which is a clunky and frustrating (at least for me) part of the software. I have to go in and individually, 'tweak' each image before it will even pop up an option to save the image. It makes me want to pull my hair out and I know there must be some other way. I have been adjusting an images sharpness in Image Garden and then reverting the adjustment just so that it registers that it has been 'edited' so that the save option becomes available. I KNOW I must be missing something. There is no way that this software could possibly be set up that way.<br /> Ideally, what I'm looking to get from this post is two things: All of y'alls personal opinions on the best 'advanced settings' for large (2-5mb an image) negative scans, <strong>and</strong> an easy way for my jpg's to go from scanner to desktop folder quickly and easily so I can get them into lightroom and do proper post cleanup in there.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>p.s. If I sound like a complete imbecile in this post that's because I am. I'm a total newbie when it comes to film scanning and need the best of the best (that's you) to educate my uninformed derriere. ;) </p>

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<p>First step is to forget the software that came with the scanner. It's designed to be easy to use at the cost of making the controls you need for good results unavailable.<br>

Get the trial versions of SilverFast and VueScan, and see which one you like. Both have good tutorials on their website.<br>

You want to scan at the actual optical resolution of your scanner. I think that 2400 dpi (at the film) in your case. Which is enough for an 8x10 print, not much more. While the scanner has 4800 dpi support, it's interpolated, and the lenses probably aren't sharp enough to support it.</p>


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<p>Thanks, John! I really appreciate all the help. I'll definitely look into those other software options because I'm very tired of the software that came with it. Have you used the the 9000f personally? I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on it if you've had hands on experience.</p>

<p> </p>

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  • 4 weeks later...
<p>I have this scanner...and the Pro100 printer to go with it...The software that came with it is....."odd"...not sure what is going on with the exposure levels. I bought a copy of VueScan...much better results...be careful though, while VueScan is pretty cool...the documentation is wanting. But once you have it dialed in...and save the profile you created, it is a workhorse...</p>
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