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My name in bottom left corner of uploaded photos


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<p>Nigel, it looks to me like you've (probably unwittingly) asked for a watermark to appear on your photos. I've never done it, but I think some software and possibly the PN downloader allows for a watermark to be attached to your photos. I understand why you wouldn't want it. It's actually on your photo and it's ugly and destroys the look of your photo. I don't know what you may have done to get it on there, but it may be something you did in in your software when preparing the files or that got done in the uploading process to PN. No, they definitely don't have to be there. Check out the portfolios of most people here and you won't see our names on our photos. Hopefully, someone in the know will see your question here and be able to help you, especially if it is something that accidentally got generated in your upload to PN. Be patient. Questions don't always get answered immediately, but people in the know do check in here and can often be quite helpful.</p>
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