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<p><strong>Hi, I need some really serious Help, Please…</strong></p>

<p><strong>Background:</strong> I have a Kodak scanner Model 570 and scanned all my 1950’s era photos in B & W and have them in a folder or album in my iMac, all 380 of them. They have been cropped, adjusted patched up to the absolute best that I can make them with my Apple Photos App. </p>

<p>BTW that little scanner is the best thing I have ever seen, it makes perfect scans, don’t know why they don’t make them anymore, best 40 bucks I ever spent.</p>

<p><strong>Project: </strong>Now that I have them in an album or folder in my Mac I want to share them with my ungrateful siblings, relatives, etc that I had to beg, borrow and steal from just to get the photos’s they all had, but lied and said they did not have. I want to put the photos into a Kick Ass Slide show with Music, Captions, Titles, Narrations, Credits, Bells and Whistles and get it together into a <strong>epic</strong>slide show that you just cannot walk away from, the type of show you just gotta see what is coming next and I want to do it on the cheap. </p>

<p><strong>Problems:</strong> I just don’t happen to have 400 bucks laying around doing nothing for a copy of Photo Shop.</p>

<p><strong>Problems encountered so far:</strong> I have searched the net and fallen for the free this, and the free that, only to find they don’t do what I want, or it is really not free, or the download is free, but if you want to use it, you gotta pony up a CC Card number, or to find the cheapie program I have on my computer is better, and most of them are full of other commercials for stuff not related to what I want to do anyway.</p>

<p>I need something that takes a dummy like me by the hand and leads me step by step thru the process and does most of the hard work by itself. I don’t mind paying if it does what I need it to do, but so far everything is just one big commercial for something I don’t want.</p>

<p>When completed I want my <strong>Lazy, Almost Dead to Me,</strong> relatives to have to click on one link to make the magic come alive. They are all so lazy. Did I mention that they are lazy already??</p>

<p>I know there is several of you out there reading this that know exactly what I need and probably have done something like this yourself.</p>

<p>Please help me out, goona be 78 soon, want get it done while I still remember who I am looking at in the pictures.</p>


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<p>You can get Photoshop Elements for around $100. Or you can throw them up on Shutterfly.com for free. Not everything you want. They won't get music and bells and whistles but they will get a slide show and the chance to download the files or order prints. And like you say, they're lazy and dead to you anyhow so why should they expect anything more. :) All you have to do is email them the link once the images are posted.</p>
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<p>Check out the freeware program Faststone Image Viewer. I think that includes a slide show program that includes musical tracks. I don't know about all the other bells and whistles, which might require modifying individual files.</p>

<p>The free program Irfanview will also create slide show CD's but I don't think it does music. </p>

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<p>I use Adobe Premiere Elements 12 (They're up to version 14) to create video slide shows I burn on DVD at 1080 for playback on my HDTV. I add music, title, credits, fades etc. Here are a couple of samples. Although these don;t have them, you can add menus and narration. <br>

Digital capture Coney Island

Analog film from 25-30 years ago. Scuba

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Craig makes a good suggestion. That's how i bought

mine. Get the Premiere Elements and Photoshop

Elements package. Note though that Premiere has a

lot of editing you can do from cropping, changing

repair, contrast etc as well as artistic edits similar to

what you'd find in Photoshop Elements. Premiere

doesn't have features like red eye though. You'll need

Photo editing software.

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<p>I've used Windows Movie Maker that came with my computer to make several animated slide shows. It has several different ways to present stills, fade from one to the next one, fade while moving around, etc. It has the ability to add music although I've only used a few tunes that come with the program. Free is a good price!</p>

<p> </p>

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A side issue, but one I yearn to undertake, hope its a snapperoo---. If I wanted to archive my ca 1000 or ao photo net galleries by topic as they appear in my PN foldors onto a CD ( descriptivdata is optional but would not hurt at all) would it be an INDIVIDUAL ONE by ONE photo by photo or could we use the slide show feature to save them all onto a CD. They are all on my HD but not all together and with size variations....I like the PN presentiions....Pardon if this is a third grade primer question.


But they are already sorted and would be useful as a record of some of my more interesting personal choices and for sending to relatives for their use....


Do you have a straightforward way-- for a slow learner more or less have to say---So. Walk me through the steps if you care.. Mahalo and Thanks.


( I have Photo shop CS 6 and Lightroom and probably a few more MAC goodies I have not much used.) but I can manage if I get a how to brief.... Danke schon, and mucnas gracias.


have some good size thumb drives with lots of storage lately.Bet the 1000 PN photos are low bit volume, got to check one day. How to do that,got to ask Glenn sooner or later.


PS: Wife has a late model PC if that helps with options. i am more familiar with MAC and Adobe has sort of User MAC'd me so to speak.. All PP ware is MAC registered. I could well have lived with PSE but they hard sold me on upgrading, side note.


Any one done thi?. I am sure someone has. Or will. Or wants to like your truly....-g-

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