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How much do we feed off photos we see on Photo.net?

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<p>Julie, you are a creator if neologisms, and, if I could come up with a one-word descriptive noun that captures that role, I would do so. "Neologist"? Maybe, but something's missing there, I fear (sort of the way "waker-upper" for "alarm clock" [<em>despertador</em>] in Spanish seems to miss something).</p>

<p>Near where I once lived in Salem, West Virginia, there was a road called "Flinderation Road." I wish that I had taken the trouble to find out <em><a href="http://wvparanormalforum.forumotion.com/t31-directions-to-flinderation-tunnel-harrison-county">the story</a></em> behind that word<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZLT2RPrijQ"><em> in that context</em></a>. It rhymes, after all, with "ponderation." All that I remember about it now is that the road was extraordinarily beautiful, being in the flood plain of Salem Fork. Where Salem Fork and Ten Mile Creek converged, not too far from Wolf Summit, West Virginia, I once spied some minnows which were bright silver and which schooled like Neon tetras and other small fish. I netted a few and put them in my cold water aquarium, right up above where my two small catfish from the Ohio River lived peacefully feeding on the bottom while the minnows schooled and darted together happily above. Peaceful coexistence, befitting the name of the town: Salem.</p>

<p>Does anybody get the picture?</p>

<p>"Ponderation" indeed, Julie! Shame on you. "Flinderation!" (In public, at that! I do declare. . . .)</p>

<p>If I can ever have my ranch in the High Sierra of California, I shall call it "The Ponderosa" in memory of Hoss and Little Joe or whoever. There I shall ponderate until I die. If I can figure out how, I might even flinderate a bit with the local cuties, but by then it will be winter, etc., and flinderating is more challenging with each passing year.</p>


<p>Relevance to the thread? I'm feeding off you, Julie. Sounds bad but isn't. Want to try some memes? (Ooh! Those things can be so <em>saucy</em>.)</p>


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<p>It's interesting that, on a photographic site, people spend more time on the forums engaging in wordplay (and sometimes wordfighting).</p>

<p>Actually, photos and links to photos on these forums are comparatively rare. Words rule.</p>

<p>If I could take a picture of the rule of words, I would post it.</p>


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<p> "Words rule."<br>

Strange words coming from Lannie. I have the greatest difficulty of finding time to read just what you have been writing, Lannie, the last days (how do you find time ?), although it does interest me what can be said and written on the subjects you choose to have in print.</p>

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<p>Anders, please put that in context--the context of these forums:</p>


<p>Actually, photos and links to photos on these forums are comparatively rare. Words rule.</p>



<p>In general, I would not say that words are better than photos, or vice versa. Each can be used to express things that the other cannot.</p>


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