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Service of Hasselblad


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<p>Hi All, I am new to the forum but look forward to contributing going forward.<br>

I was given a Hasselblad 500c/m recently and was wondering if anyone had any suggestion on any reputable stores in NJ/NY to clean and service it. I am fairly new to photography (yes I appreciate this is more camera than I deserve right now) so trying to get up to speed quickly. I contacted the Union Hasselblad location but expect their quote to be high. <br>

Anyone aware of any local stores that would do an equitable quality of service? Any pitfalls I need to be aware of when having the camera looked at? I have read some horror stories online of repair/service centers over-maintaining the camera and worried I will be taken for a ride. <br>

Thanks in advance</p>

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<p>I've used the NJ Hasselblad HQ because I was in the area for a couple of weeks. It was nice to be able to talk with the repairman, drop it off and then review what was done with the repairman when I picked it up. If you are located there it might make sense to use them. If you have to mail it off anyway, I'm sure Odess is a great choice. <br>

Regardless, please let us know what you decide and how satisfied you were with the price, service, and results.</p>

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<p>J LaRocco - yeah its just up the road from my office - and I like the idea of dropping off/picking up but expect them to charge a premium. Probably money well spent - this camera is a beauty. Im taking the camera out tomorrow for a test run - will see how it performs and then take it in. Thanks for the input!</p>
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<p>I use Hasselblad Service Station directly all these years. All parts would have to come from them directly. David Odess is a great choice as he formerly worked for them. </p>

<p>Up the corner form you is the best choice! They are very pleasant and will give you an estimate if you do not mind sitting & waiting. That has been all of my transaction whenever I bring in equipment for servicing. Breakdown of fees are similar across vendors.</p>


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