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W/NW Medium Format Photo of the Month: September 2015


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<p>MFPOTM time again! For the woefully small number of photographers on PN who still practice the art of the medium format camera, please post a pic for this month. Feel free to include as much information about the photo(s) as you like. Mine is another older one from Hong Kong Airport taken with a Mamiya 6MF/Kodak film/scanned on Epson 6450. Looking forward to seeing what you got this month.</p>

<p><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/11982090-lg.jpg" alt="" width="667" height="699" /><br>


<p> </p>

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<p>It was an eventful summer this year. I managed to do all the mistakes one can do with roll film and a totally manual camera (G617): Double exposures, blank frames, shooting with the lens cap on (an entire film), winding the film loosely, forgetting to change shutter speed or focus, ripping the paper on finished film, almost dropping the camera (caught it midair falling from the tripod) and a first this year, dropping a finished film and holding the paper end unrolling it as it fell! Admittedly I had two beers before that last one. Only mistake I didn’t do is open the back with film in it :). Anyway here are the three I managed to upload so far:</p>

<p>Mamiya AFDIII, ZD back, 55mm:<br>

<img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5678/21402341025_f99d43aa7b_c.jpg" alt="Peloponnese, Kalogria" width="601" height="800" /></p>

<p>Fuji G617, Kodak Ektar:<br>

<img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5752/21269826299_5611095a11_b.jpg" alt="Peloponnese, Kalogria" width="1024" height="333" /></p>

<p><img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5784/21437639331_f0a1dfb872_b.jpg" alt="Summer Breeze, Lefkada" width="1024" height="334" /></p>

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<p>Here are a couple from the Herbert Glacier, northeast of Juneau Alaska, both hand held.</p>

<p><img id="yui_3_11_0_3_1442404982112_347" src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5834/20930658610_729e1bc769_c.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>Bronica ETR, 40mm f/4 MC Zenzanon, Kodak Ektar</p>

<p>Full size version <a href=" Herbert Glacier, Juneau, Alaska 2

<p><img id="yui_3_11_0_3_1442405203808_346" src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/662/20497694813_f237e19e39_c.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>Same camera and lens, Kodak 320TXP, gotta love those interchangeable backs.</p>

<p>Full size version <a href=" Herbert Glacier, Juneau, Alaska 4

<p>Nice pics E. and Giovanni and great story... been there!</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Hello everyone. I can relate to all the fumble-finger events above...done that, yep, that also. I guess one should only confess after a good beer, or two ? Anyway, here is a recent shot from the Agfa Isolette III at my favorite marina. G filter onto 400 Delta exposed with a Pilot meter @ 200 asa. Developer is a "new" one for me. Jay DeFehr's Obsidian Aqua. 1 ml in a 450 Nikor for 21 minutes. V600 scan. Enjoy, Bill</p><div>00dV75-558533484.jpg.dcc9f86702eaf5142dd18b4176193401.jpg</div>
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<p>forgetting to change shutter speed or focus, … dropping a finished film and holding the paper end unrolling it as it fell! </p>


<p>Giovanni, I’m using GF670 which is way friendlier camera than 617, however those thing sounds familiar to me. After all it appears you’re doing great job handling the G617. What scanner do you use to scan 6x17 format?<br>

Some pics from Paris.</p><div>00dVBI-558541784.jpg.4264c0bd95737680d6173c5d7e1543dc.jpg</div>

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<p>Thank you all for relating to my troubles! An all manual camera requires some discipline but sometimes the excitement of a great scene (you can call it inebriation). Roman, I’m using a V700 scanner. The Montmartre pic is really nice.<br>

Here are some more pics and forgotten links to Flickr:<br>

Mamiya AFDIII, ZD back, 35mm:<br>

<img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5780/21344403228_d5911e9cb6_c.jpg" alt="Peloponnese" width="800" height="601" /></p>

<p>Fuji G617, Kodak Ektar or Portra:<br>

<img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5820/21493236992_5abfedcebb_b.jpg" alt="Rio Bridge sunset" width="1024" height="328" /></p>

<p><img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5829/21472926792_eb5b527d93_b.jpg" alt="Trees silhouette" width="1024" height="333" /></p>

<p>Please click <strong><a href=" Peloponnese rel="nofollow">here</a></strong> to view larger on Flickr,<br>

<strong><a href=" Rio Bridge sunset rel="nofollow">here</a></strong><br>

and <strong><a href=" Trees silhouette rel="nofollow">here</a></strong>.<br>

Previous post <strong><a href=" Peloponnese, Kalogria rel="nofollow">here</a></strong>,<br>

<strong><a href=" Peloponnese, Kalogria rel="nofollow">here</a></strong><br>

and <strong><a href=" Summer Breeze, Lefkada rel="nofollow">here</a></strong>.</p>

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<p>Hello again everyone. My "newest" adventure with Ultrafine X 400 material (120) has been exceptional in the Obsidian Aqua developer. I "normally" use 400asa materials (Ilford or Kodak) in my 6x9 cameras, but was wondering how the UFX 400 would look in the 6x6 machines, so put some in an Yashica 124G and wondered over to my fav "lens / film testing site".<br /> Here I have the Silvana store, exposed @ 250asa via the Pilot. 25A filter. 1.0 ml OA for 19min. V600 scan. This is an 8x10 crop of the full negative. Expanded to a 24x30 size, the grain is excellent and again full Zone control with the film/developer. If this quality continues, I just might purchase something other than their "sampler" packs (6 rolls, 3 of each 400 or 100 material). Enjoy, Bill</p><div>00dVT6-558583584.jpg.59974b6328d21bf81ab9b0b2c7b07fe3.jpg</div>
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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>I picked up my Minolta Autocord for the World Wide Photowalk last weekend. Ours was in Oxford, so where better to start than the classic view down Catte Street ...</p>

<p><a title="Catte Street" href=" Catte Street data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5761/21953215166_7e4bbfda8d_c.jpg" alt="Catte Street" width="799" height="800" /></a><br>

Minolta Autocord<br />Ilford FP4+ at ISO 125<br />Kodak HC-110 / B dilution / 9 min at 20 C<br />Epson V500 scan</p>

<p>Should we start an October thread?</p>


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