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Fuji 120 Slide Film Expiration Date?

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Relatively new to shooting 120 films. <br>

Previously I always purchase at BH, mostly Kodak and some Fuji Neopan. Never have a problem.<br>

Till recently one of the credit card agencies get me a deal on UniquePhoto (rather not to advertise this credit card agency, but it's easy to guess), so I put an order for a decent amount of slide films (20 x Provia 100F, 10+ Velvia 50). The reason: it's a bit cheaper compared to other retailers, and the deal I got require minimum purchase.<br>

Based on the amount of films I ordered, i thought I will get a box (which has expiration date on it). Unfortunately, doesn't happen like that... <br>

So, apparently the current situation is: I am holding more than 30 rolls of 120 slide films that I have no idea when would they expire.<br>

In general I believe UniquePhoto would not sell expired films, but there really is no way to verify that.<br>

Anyone has any idea or also recently purchased from Uniquephoto who received some kind of note indicating expiration date?<br>


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<p>The deal was from American Express, so if the issue can not be resolved I would definitely return all the rolls. <br>

Seems that there were two different types of packages for Fuji slide film, one is 5 roll/box with expiration date on it, the other seems to be these kind of mysterious rolls without expiration date on it. (These rolls might come in large pack, probably that's why its cheap) <br>

You can compare the price at UniquePhoto with BH, it's a retailer in NJ which has a physical store. </p>

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Many dealers including B&H often break down

large bulk boxes of film into individual rolls

and sell them without packaging. Nothing

wrong with that and likely nothing wrong with

your film. Just shoot it and be happy.

Personallly I only buy quantities I think I will

use with maybe a year or so at most.

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  • 1 month later...

<p>If the film is properly stored (long term in the freezer and short term in the fridge) you don't need to worry too much about expiration date. I bought Velvia 50 and Provia 400 in large quantities when I was living in Tokyo 10 years ago, stored in the freezer ever since. I cannot see any difference or shift in color. Just remember to take the rolls you intend to shoot out of the freezer 24 hours before use. I also have some rolls in the fridge (~ 5°C / 40°F) for "immediate" use (a few hours after taking them out of the fridge).</p>

<p>Hope this helps,<br>


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