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sharing photos with community members

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<p>It depends on what sort of experience you want those people to have. Do you mind if they see the occasional advertisement, run by the image hosting company, to help pay for your free use of an online gallery system? Or, would you rather their experience was without ads being displayed, in which case you might need to pay a few dollars to host them online.<br /><br />What is your expectation about what they'll see and do with those images? Do you want to make full-resolution images available for download (say, for printing by your audience), or will you only be interested in showing them lower resolution images meant for display simply in a web browser? Do you want them to be able to order prints of the images from the place they find them, or is that not even a consideration?<br /><br />Will you want these images to be something that your audience can link to, share the web address for, etc., or would you rather that access to the images is password protected - a little more bolted-down so that not everyone on the planet can come wandering by to see them, save copies of them, etc? If you've got lots of pictures of, say, children ... the parents may not want you posting the images in a public place without some sort of control over who has access. <br /><br />If you want a clean, non-advertising-laden, password-protected place to post those images, you might want to set up a fairly cheap account at a place like SmugMug.com, where you have lots of control over how things look, whether and how people can gain access to various resolutions/prints.<br /><br />If you're not so worried about that sort of thing, just use a free account at a service like Flickr. <br /><br />Does the organization for which you shot the images have its own web site for member use? You might talk to whoever runs that web site about whether that's a good place to park a gallery of those images. Does the organization have a friends-only Facebook page? You could also put up series of galleries there, shared only with people (members of the group) who've been given rights to that group's content. You could do the same with a Google+ group.</p>
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<p> <a href="http://www.shutterfly.com">www.shutterfly.com</a> and set up a free "sharing" site. You can then send the URL to anybody who wants it and they will be able to either download the files or order prints. You can do the same with SmugMug.<br /><br />BTW, in Internet etiquette, typing with all caps on means that you are screaming, usually indicating that you are angry with the person you are speaking with.</p>
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