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NEF image turning into lines

Ian Rance

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<p>My D810 NEF images all look like the attached (or variations of) when opened in Google Picasa. I have been using JPEG setting on the camera but as you know when the image needs editing the JPEG image struggles due to compression.<br>

Has anyone come across this or does Picasa/my computer not support the D810? Or maybe the D810 is faulty?<br>

Thanks for any input - it would be good to know what causes this.</p>

<p> </p><div>00dDW5-556059384.jpg.a35ebdde4af1eaea56a597bca868d242.jpg</div>

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I think you could sell those as big prints!


But I suspect either your card reader is defective or you need to update your software/firmware. Have you tried with another computer? If the problem persists, have you tried with another SD or Compact Flash media?


If it isn't a card reader, computer OS/ software, or media problem it is a camera problem.

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<p>If it is ALL D810 images, I'd bet on Picasa being the problem; View NX-i combined with Capture NX-D is pretty nice given the price to pay, but for the pleasure of actually working with the software, spending a bit of money on Lightroom or CaptureOne is quite worth it. Picasa is nice for a freebie, but hardly the best way to get the best from your camera.</p>
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<p>I would not rule out the software - that needs to be checked, but it looks very much like a problem I had with a Fuji S2 back in the early days. It developed the problem suddenly after months of good service. Fuji replaced the sensor under warranty.</p>
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<p>Thanks for the input. If it were not for the fact that the photos I am getting are more interesting than what I intended I may be upset - but I am saving these.<br>

Thanks for the suggestion Wouter - I am downloading NX-D now and I now and I will report. Downloads take a lot of time on my connection so I must wait and be patient!<br>

Here is another one. I like the pink flush tones very much in this one.</p>


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<p>Last year, the first D810 I received from Nikon USA for review had some electronic problems. After a few images, it started generating corrupted NEF files, as well as corrupted JPEG files. A bit later, the top LCD would show Err and the camera stopped working. After I switched it off and removed the battery, the above sequent would repeat. I have read on another forum that 1 or 2 other D810 had similar issues. I tried over 10 CF and SD cards on that particular D810. Clearly that was some electronic issue that can happen to any DSLR model.</p>

<p>The second sample they sent me was perfect.</p>

<p>That is something to keep in mind. I would check with a Nikon RAW converter and try different memory cards to make sure those are working fine first.</p>

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<p>I had a similar problem with my D800, an early one. If I downloaded images straight from the camera via USB3 to my laptop, the NEFs would arrive corrupted, after a difficult and overly long download. If I removed the CF card from my camera and used a reader instead, the NEFs arrived just fine. It might be worth a check. Your original NEFs might be fine.</p>
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<p>Well thankfully I have concluded that the camera is not faulty. I downloaded the Nikon software and with that I was able to see the image was not in fact corrupted. Relief! However I am pretty disgusted with the software - I know its me at fault but trying to adjust the curve was like trying to pin down a thrashing snake! All I wanted to do was brighten it up a bit but not burn out the sun...<br>

Anyway I attach one photo I took. It was supposed to be a misty sunset but the editing is nauseating...sorry.</p><div>00dDli-556105184.jpg.d5dc9d8de76d6abc30b99774d43529bc.jpg</div>

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<p>Shun, it was that both of the viewers / photo editing programs I use did not understand the NEF files from the D810. But instead of telling me so, gave me the lines - which were able to be edited as if they were a real photo. Most confusing!</p>
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