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Photo rotation for digital photo frame

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<p>Hi there,<br />I have a Canon EOS 600D and I'm trying to load some photos onto a digital photo frame. The horizontal photos are fine but I cannot permanently rotate my vertical photos - they will only show horizontally. I can use the remote to change the photos each time (so I know that they CAN be shown vertically) however these do not stay that way next time around. How can I change the vertical images I want to load onto my USB for my photo frame. I realize this is either a setting on my camera or my Windows 8 and its fantastic when you are viewing photos on a computer - they don't need to be changed each time - however, it is making it difficult for my photo frame. I don't wont to be limited to using just horizontal photos. Thank you</p>
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<p>When I did a digi photo frame for my daughter who planned to use it horizontally, I ran all vertical photos thru my regular post processing programs (PSCS5 and/or GIMP) rotating them & saving them. All worked fine.</p>
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<p>I have had varying luck with rotation. Some photos just seem not to open correctly in every application, even when they're rotated and resaved, while others do. I found that the free program "Faststone Image Viewer" has a rotation function that seems to stick and stay rotated right even in programs that sometimes get it wrong.</p>
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<p>I believe some images get rotated when we don't want it because of an entry in the metadata of the jpeg file. Some cameras put a rotation entry in the metadata that says if the image is vertical or horizontal. Some software applications use that entry, others don't. So it can appear that some applications get it "wrong" while others get it "right."</p>

<p>If you know how to erase the metadata, then the offending entry will be gone and no software application will rotate the image. Then just get the image rotated to the orientation you want, and it will stay that way everywhere. Among others, FastStone Image Viewer handles these simple tasks and is free.</p>

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