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HD DA 70 and Football….


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<p>If you haven't yet tried a DA Limited, I strongly recommend it. Carrying 3 HD DA Limited pancakes in a small camera bag not only provides a compact kit; the IQ and colour rendering by these diminutive powerhouses is stunning. Once you shoot with a Limited every other lens just doesn't seem as magical.</p>

<p>I recently started shooting junior football with the HD DA 70 and K-5 II and have found this combination terrific for sports. The screw-drive AF is very fast with this compact prime. The trick to using this combination (K-5 II and DA 70) for sports is; 1) enable the AF button, 2) disable AF for shutter release half-press, 3) set the AF selector to continuous. Here are a few photos. Who says Pentax isn't great for sports photography?</p>

<p> </p><div>00dNLz-557480084.jpg.b99405c23c5574573df3a45e7bbd045b.jpg</div>

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<p>Hi Harry, I don't have any experience with the 77 and can't speak to it. The one thing I can say is that HD DA Limiteds handle harsh lighting much better than the FA 50 or FA 35 ever did. You should go out and shoot some action shots with your 77 and post them so we can see them. If 70 works well for me 77 might be even better. With sports, the widest aperture I have been using is f/2.8 (the 70 can open to f/2.4) with the majority of images shot at f/4. I'm looking to capture little details and keeping shutter speed up. Check out the face on this Defensive Tackle...</p><div>00dNMx-557482384.jpg.021bdd6a5548b4a4a7e1baee2d9342fb.jpg</div>
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