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Photographers Needed for Project


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<p>I am currently working on a large project and to complete it I need to located other photographers that live in other states in the country that would be interested in working on the project with me. This is a real project! Can anyone suggest a good place to advertise, that would reach a large cross section of the country? and....Yes I did try posting on these forums but to my surprise it was the first time I received NO responses at all !<br />Thanks Frank</p>
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<p>WOW! Ok First, I don't know why but I did not receive any email notification that anyone was responding to my post? That has never happened before and it is the reason I did not respond to your questions. As I am sure you will all understand , I am not completely comfortable posting the DETIALS to this project in an open forum for fear that it could easily become someone else's project! Perhaps I am being over cautious , but better safe then sorry. Below is the original post I made regarding the project (which was deleted for some reason) . If you are still interested please email me directly with the information I requested and I will respond to you with further details. For those of you who are asking about compensation let me say that this project will result in a book publication and anyone who participates and has their work included in the publication will receive compensation. The terms of that compensation will be negotiated prior to your involvement and agreed upon by all parties before any work is begun! Thanks for your interest.<br />Frank<br /><br />***** ORIGINAL POST *****<br /><br /><br>

I am looking for photographer’s (Freelance and Amateurs more than welcome) from ALL States across the country, to assist me with a project for publication. You would shoot photos in your own State, covering situations specific to the subject of the project. Those photos would be submitted for review and if chosen would be included for publication. All photographers would RETAIN FULL copyright to any photos submitted and if their work is chosen and published will receive compensation agreed upon by ALL parties prior to participating. THIS IS A SERIOUS OFFER! Please contact me at the email below with your Name, State of residence and Contact information as well as a brief description of your photographic experience, the area of photography you currently focus on and the Camera and equipment you are currently using.<br /> Thanks<br /> Frank <br /> Frank.AINews@Verizon.Net</p>


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<p>Charles , Thank you for your interest, but no that's not what I mean. To be clearer if I can. If you are interested in participating with me in this project, we will formalize an agreement between us before you do any work that clearly defines how and when you will be compensated. Assuming that we come to terms, that is the point when you would begin shooting for the project. Having said that, obviously the quality and quantity of your work that is included in the book will have some bearing on the compensation that is received, but as I stated I would not expect any photographer to participate in this project unless and until an agreement is struck that is agreed upon by all parties. I am in no way trying to cheat or take advantage of anyone but I am not "giving away" the store either! I hope that helps make things a bit clearer.<br />Thanks Frank</p>
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  • 4 weeks later...
<p>Have folks used Google for AINews? There are several uses of AI News, which may be why the project details haven't been released. Requesting buy in from photographers without divulging the type and details of the work is unprofessional. Photographers have the right to know what work to be done.</p>
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<p>Scott M. Knowles, If you looked at all the response for this post you will see that I did provide a clearer description of the project. As I am sure you must understand being a PHOTORAPHER yourself it would make no sense to post detailed specs about a project in am open forum. I have provided those details to interested photographer who have emailed me directly and signed a non-disclosure agreement. If your interested , email me and I would be happy to do the same for you. If your not interested I fail to understand your motivation for making a post that attempts to indicate that I am in some trying to be deceitful? Thanks Frank </p>
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