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Help identifying Leica?

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<p>FED -- Russian Leica copy. The shape of the raised frame around the viewfinder window is the give-away. Also, FED's didn't have low-speeds, so any LTM without a low speed dial is automatically suspect.<br>

Someone went to more effort than usual on this fake, as the shutter button has been replaced with a Leica-style one.<br>

Lens is probably an Industar as well.<br>



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<p>Yes, it is a FED and the lens is an Industar. I have two of this Russian copy of the Leica II D ( FED and a Zorkij C ) and an original German Leica II D, with the Elmar 3.5. If you can get the camera for a couple of dollars go for it. Around 1956-60, I used one of this in Hungary the Zorkij version, and shoot a lots of film, B&W, with it and I get very good results. If you lucky, you get a good one if not, then a dog. It is worth to get and shoot with it, practising the range-finder film photography.</p>
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<p>Could turn out to be a bit of a FrankenLeica. While the VF window is certainly Russian, The shutter button looks Leica not Russian, although that's unclear, and the 'Elmar' locking button is in Leica rather than Russian 10 o'clock position, although it may deliberately have not been screwed in all the way. The 'Elmar' aperture control mechanism is (deliberately) unclear. I think we are being hornswaggled, in a nice way of course. The dog is in focus; maybe that's a clue?</p>
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<p>Yes, early series of the FED had a shutter button similar (or identical) to the Leica. Maybe they also had the same position of the infinity latch on the lens. <br>

BTW there were even some very, very early FED with a "stepped" viewfinder window. These rare items have a value of their own and there is no reason to convert them to a fake Leica. </p>


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<p>Lots of images, many of them of the earlier version of the FED at<br /> <a href="https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&biw=1811&bih=1297&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=FED+1+camera&oq=FED+1+camera&gs_l=img.3..0i24l2.15501.16422.0.18153.">link</a> (Google image search)</p>

<p>I find it fascinating that virtually every post that asks for an identification of a "Leica" is for a transmogrified FED or Zorki. </p>

<p>I love these things, and the ex-soviet (re)makers have a wonderful sense of humor (<a href="https://www.cameraquest.com/fakerusk.htm">link</a>). Most of them these days are so outrageous that they bring to mind the WC Fields' movie <em>You Can't Cheat an Honest Man.</em></p>

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<p>I was at a house and contents auction a few weeks ago which included a small camera lot. This included a single Leica IIIa with Elmar, a bit worn but clean, camera & lens in good working order. Someone suggested he thought it was a IIId. Obviously someone ran with that. I am told it went for over $1200 AU.<br>

I think some folk google from their smart phones, see dollar signs without background knowledge, other than that all Leicas are fabulously expensive. Ebay says $12000-$18000 for a IIId. Wow I can make at least $10000.<br>

When Jack's mother realised he had sold the family cow for 3 beans, she threw them out the window. Let's hope nobody throws a nice little Leica out the window:)</p>

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